A first order IVP

Solve the initial value problem

$$u_t + u_x = 3u, \: u(x,0) = x^2.$$


Pretty much Problem #8 on page 26.


  • AbSAbS
    edited January 2021

    This is an example of as advection equation of the form

    $$u_t + cu_x +au = f(x,t)$$

    $$u(x,0) = u_0,$$

    where $c = 1$, $a = -3$, $f(x,t) = 0$, and $u_0 = x^2$. To solve this equation, we rewrite $u(x,t)$ as $U(\xi,\tau)$, where $\xi = x-ct = x-t$ and $\tau = t.$ By applying the chain rule, the PDE becomes

    $$(U_{\xi}(-1) + U_{\tau}(1)) + U_{\xi}(1) = 3U.$$

    SImplifying, we get

    $$U_{\tau} = 3U$$


    $$\frac{\partial U}{\partial \tau} = 3U.$$

    We move all $U$ and $\tau$ terms to one side,

    $$\frac{dU}{U} = 3d\tau,$$

    and integrate:

    $$lnU = 3\tau + \phi(\xi),$$

    where $\phi$ is an unknown function of $\xi$. We then solve for U by raising $e$ to both sides:

    $$U = e^{3\tau + \phi(\xi)}.$$

    We simplify the right hand side using a technique familiar to students of calculus and ordinary differential equations:

    $$e^{3\tau + \phi(\xi)} = e^{ \phi(\xi)}e^{3\tau} = \phi(\xi)e^{3\tau},$$

    where we abuse $\phi$ to represent $e^{\phi}$ as is done with constants $C$ in calculus. it may seem odd that we can seemingly just transform an exponential function of $\xi$ into a regular one. Recall, however, that we do not yet know what the original $\phi(\xi)$ is, and it could very well be a logarithmic function, canceling out the exponential. We will get the same answer regardless when we plug in our initial conditions.

    Hence our formula for U is

    $$U(\xi,\tau) = \phi(\xi)e^{3\tau}.$$

    Now we rewrite our equation in terms of $x$ and $t$:

    $$u(x,t) = \phi(x-t)e^{3t}.$$

    Finally, we plug in our initial values to solve for $\phi$:

    $$u(x,0) = \phi(x) = x^2.$$

    Our final solution, then, is

    $$u(x,t) = (x-t)^2e^{3t}.$$

  • @Abs - Most awesome!!!

  • edited February 2021

    The initial value problem is

    $$u_t + u_x = 3u, u(x,0) = x^2 .$$

    General form of 1st order, liner PDE is:

    $$u_t + cu_x + au = f(x,t).$$

    Therefore adjusting the initial problem gives:

    $$u_t + u_x - 3u = 0.$$

    With $c = 1, a = -3$ and $f(x,t) = 0$

    To solve this question, we first need perform a change of variables with $\chi = x - ct$ and $\tau = t$ giving $U(\chi,\tau)$. This gives $u(x,t)$ ~ $U(\chi,\tau)$ and $x = \chi + ct$.

    Rewriting the right half of the general form as:

    $$\frac{d}{dt}u(x,t) + c\frac{d}{dx}u(x,t) + a*u(x,t)$$

    Which after the change of variables becomes:

    $$\frac{d}{dt}U(x - ct,t) + c\frac{d}{dx}U(x - ct,t) +a*U(x - ct,t)$$

    To perform the partial derivatives, you first take the derivative of $U(\chi,\tau)$ with respect to $\chi$ and then multiple by the derivative of $x - ct$ with respect to $t$. Next repeat with respect to $\tau$, and then repeat both for $\frac{d}{dx}U(x - ct,t)$. This gives:

    $$U_\chi(-c) + U_\tau(1) + cU_\chi(1) + cU_\tau(0) + aU(x - ct,t)$$

    $$= U_\tau + aU(x - ct,t)$$

    After the change of variables, $f(x,t) = F(\chi,\tau) = 0$

    Plugging the values of $a$ and $F(\chi,\tau)$ into the $U_\tau + aU(x - ct,t) = F(\chi,\tau)$ gives:

    $$U_\tau - 3U(x - ct,t) = 0$$

    Therefore $U_\tau = 3U(x - ct,t)$ then divide both sides by $U$ and multiply both by $d\tau$ giving:

    $$\frac{dU}{U} = 3d\tau$$

    Integrating both sides gives $lnU = 3\tau + K(\chi)$, with $K(\chi)$ is a constant function. To remove the natural log, make both sides powers of $e$ giving:

    $$U = e^{3\tau + K(\chi)} = e^{3\tau}e^{K(\chi)}$$

    We are able to separate the $e$ exponent because of the product rule. Next treat $K(\chi)$ as you would an unknown constant raised to be a power of $e$:

    $$U = Q(\chi)e^{3\tau}$$

    Now we move back to terms of $x$ and $t$, with $\tau = t$ and $\chi = x - ct =x - t$ as $c = 1$ giving:

    $$u(x,t) = Q(x - t)e^{3t}$$

    $$u(x,0) = x^2$$

    $$u(x,0) = Q(x - 0)e^{3*0} = x^2$$

    Therefore $u(x,0) = Q(x) = x^2$, plugging back into $u(x,t)$ gives a final solution of:

    $$u(x,t) = (x - t)^2 * e^{3t}$$

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