Best Recent Content

  • Modeling 2D Heat Flow

    At $t=1s$, the temperature near the midpoint of the insulated edge of the triangle is approximately $.15480$.

  • Modeling a steady state heat distribution in 2D

    The temperature at the lower right corner is approximately 0.806 at a steady state.

  • Eigenranking

    My matrix was:

    matrix = [







    and the eigen ranking was:

    Team 3: rating = 0.4627375562956863
    Team 1: rating = 0.46273755629568625
    Team 4: rating = 0.46088857575916814
    Team 5: rating = 0.4269598459305646
    Team 2: rating = 0.4207551766581456

    Team 3 is barely ahead of team 1 by rounding. But otherwise these two teams are dead even for the best team.

  • A radial heat flow problem

    (1) We start by separating variables, and assume $u(r,t) = R(r)T(t)$. Our PDE then becomes

    $$(RT)_t = (RT)_{rr} + \frac{1}{r}(RT)_r$$ or

    $$RT' = R''T + \frac{1}{r}R'T.$$

    Dividing both sides by $RT$, we get

    $$\frac{T'}{T} = \frac{R''}{R} +\frac{1}{r}\frac{R'}{R} = -\lambda.$$

    Thus, $\frac{T'}{T} = -\lambda$, so $T' = -\lambda T.$ Hence,

    $$T = e^{-\lambda t}.$$ Meanwhile,

    $$\frac{R''}{R} + \frac{1}{r}\frac{R'}{R} = -\lambda,$$ so

    $$R'' + \frac{1}{r}R' = -\lambda R.$$

    This can be rewritten as $$-(rR'(r))' = \lambda rR(r).$$

    The solutions to this radial differential equation are the Bessel functions $$R(r) = c_1J_0\left(\sqrt{\lambda}r\right) + c_2Y_0\left(\sqrt{\lambda}r\right).$$

    Since $Y_0$ is unbounded at $z=0, c_2$ must equal $0,$ so $$R(r) = c_1J_0\left(\sqrt{\lambda}r\right).$$

    From our boundary conditions, we know $$R(1) = c_1J_0\left(\sqrt{\lambda}\right) = 0,$$ so

    $$\sqrt{\lambda} = z_n, n=1,2,3...$$

    where $z_n$ are the zeros of $J_0.$ Hence, the eigenvalues are $\lambda_n = z_n^2$ and the corresponding eigenfunctions are $R_n(r) = J_0(z_nr).$ Thus, our full solution is

    $$u(r,t) = \sum_{n=1}^{\infty}c_ne^{-\lambda_n^2t}J_0(z_nr).$$

    (2) By our initial conditions,

    $$u(r,0) = \sum_{n=1}^{\infty}c_nJ_0(z_nr) = 5r^3(1-r).$$

    Since Bessel functions satisfy the orthogonality condition,

    $$c_n = \frac{\int_{0}^{1}5r^3(1-r)J_0(z_nr)rdr}{\int_{0}^{1}J_0^2(z_nr)^2rdr}.$$

    Plugging an initial condition $u(r,0)$ into the "Radial heat flow" ObservableHQ page gives us the normalized Bessel function $F(r)$ for each term of the solution and its constant coefficient, which we'll denote $b_n,$ where

    $$u(r,0) = \sum_{n=1}^{\infty}b_nF_n(r) = \sum_{n=1}^{\infty}b_n\frac{R_n(r)}{||R_n||}.$$

    Since $u(r,0) = \sum_{n=1}^{\infty}c_nR_n(r),$ it follows that

    $$c_n = \frac{b_n}{||R_n||}.$$

    We plug in $u(r,0) = 5r^3(1-r)$ and find that

    $$u(r,t) \approx \frac{0.17333401324973097}{0.3670927157694067}e^{-z_1^2t}J_0(z_1r) + \frac{-0.18156860394077448}{0.24060355211655088}e^{-z_2^2t}J_0(z_2r) + \frac{0.0731801393963544}{0.16437392311147672}e^{-z_3^2t}J_0(z_3r)$$

    $$= 0.4721804759e^{-z_1^2t}J_0(z_1r) - 0.7546380855e^{-z_2^2t}J_0(z_2r) + 0.4452052857e^{-z_3^2t}J_0(z_3r)$$


    Using the same Observable page, with N=10, we graph the function at time $t = 0.02$:


    Using the final tool on the Observable page with $N=10$, we find $$u(0, 0.02) = 0.086.$$

  • Eigenranking

    My matrix was matrix = [







    The eigen ranking was:

    Team 5: rating = 0.5351649756702808
    Team 4: rating = 0.516996248452163
    Team 3: rating = 0.43493231817629663
    Team 1: rating = 0.3710347855055461
    Team 2: rating = 0.3456593618764917

    Team 5 was the best team.

  • Approximating an eigenfunction

    I tried the following:

    a = 0

    b = 2

    n =25

    1) The 24x24 matrix that approximates the 2nd derivative is

    $$U_{xx}=\begin{pmatrix} -312.5 & 156.25 & 0 & \ldots & 0 & 0 & 0\\ 156.25 & -312.5 & 156.25 & \ldots & 0 & 0 & 0\\ \ldots & \ldots & \ldots & \ldots & \ldots & \ldots & \ldots\\ 0 & 0 & 0 &\ldots & 156.25 & -312.5 & 156.25\\ 0 & 0 & 0 & \ldots & 0 & 156.25 & -312.5 \end{pmatrix}$$

    2) The eigenvalue of smallest magnitude and its corresponding eigenvector are:

    $$\lambda = -2.4642$$

    $$\vec u = \begin{pmatrix} -0.0354\\ -0.0703\\-0.1041\\-0.1362\\-0.1662\\-0.1936\\-0.2179\\-0.2388\\-0.2559\\-0.2689\\-0.2778\\-0.2822\\-0.2822\\-0.2778\\-0.2689\\-0.2559\\-0.2388\\-0.2179\\-0.1936\\-0.1662\\-0.1362\\-0.1041\\-0.0703\\-0.0354\end{pmatrix}$$

    3) The eigenfunction for this problem was: $$k* sin(\sqrt{-\lambda}*x)$$.

    If we drop k, we get the following plot:

    But if we let $k = -0.09\pi$, we get the following:

    Now, I don't remember talking about using the approximation to find $k$ in class. @mark Could you explain why this was necessary here?

  • Eigenranking

    My matrix was

    matrix = [

       [0,   4,   4,   4,   2],

       [2,   0,   3,   4,   4],

       [3,   1,   0,   3,   3],

       [2,   1,   1,   0,   1],

       [2,   3,   2,   2,   0]


    The eigenranking was

    Team 1: rating = 0.5676428888501164
    Team 2: rating = 0.5140250259852949
    Team 3: rating = 0.4266803335123048
    Team 5: rating = 0.4096681506358447
    Team 4: rating = 0.25234048971012685

    And team 1 was the best.

  • Eigenranking

    My Matrix was ;

    matrix = [







    Eigen Ranking ;

    My best team being Team 2 by far.

  • Eigenranking

    My matrix is

    matrix = [







    Team 5: rating = 0.5369571232846212
    Team 4: rating = 0.5349109263288253
    Team 1: rating = 0.4288594144453331
    Team 3: rating = 0.35096444755792117
    Team 2: rating = 0.34416697668415475

    Team 5 was the best, followed very closely by team 4.

  • Eigenranking

    My matrix:[

    [0, 4, 2, 2, 1],

    [1, 0, 4, 4, 1],

    [1, 3, 0, 4, 4],

    [1, 3, 2, 0, 1],

    [2, 1, 4, 1, 0]


    Team 3: rating = 0.5317387251068555
    Team 2: rating = 0.4743664736534873
    Team 1: rating = 0.43963279846587106
    Team 5: rating = 0.41258201033241837
    Team 4: rating = 0.3587888852214044

    Clearly, team 3 has the advantage. However, since this is bling archery, you can never tell who will pull out on top.
