Diffusion with non-constant diffusivity

edited January 2021 in Problems

(Problem #9 on page 37)

Consider the diffusion-like equation

$$u_t = k(t)u_xx.$$

Note that this is very much like our basic diffusion equation but with a diffusivity coefficient that can vary with time. Suppose that we substitute $t$ with

$$t \to \tau = \int_0^t k(\eta) \, d\eta.$$

Show that the resulting equation is a standard diffusion equation with constant diffusivity.


  • AbSAbS
    edited January 2021

    Consider the diffusion-like equation

    $$u_t = k(t)u_{xx}.$$

    We are going to substitute $u(x,\tau)$ for $u(x,t)$ on both sides of the equation. We are allowed to do this because the function $u$ remains unchanged; it is simply rewritten in terms of a different variable.

    Note that $\tau$ is not a function of x, so $u_{xx}(x,\tau)$ = $u_{xx}(x,t)$.

    To evaluate $u_t(x, \tau)$, we apply the chain rule and obtain $u_{\tau}(x,\tau)\frac{\partial \tau}{\partial t}$, which by the definition of $\tau$ equals $u_{\tau}(x,\tau)\frac{\partial }{\partial t}(K(t) - K(0))$, where $K$ is the antiderivative of $k$. This gives us a final value of

    $$u_t = u_{\tau}k(t).$$

    Now our original equation becomes

    $$u_{\tau}k(t) = k(t)u_{xx}.$$

    Factoring out $k(t)$ from both sides, we get

    $$u_{\tau} = u_{xx}.$$

    That looks much easier to work with!

  • edited January 2021

    Start with the equation:

    $$u_t = k(t)u_{xx} .$$

    Substitute $\tau = \int_0^t k(\eta) d\eta$ in for $t$. Solving the integral gives:

    $$\tau = K(t) - K(0).$$

    After the substitution, $u(x,t)$ becomes $u(x,\tau).$ Since the function to find $\tau$ does not contain any $x$ terms, $u_{xx}$ is unaffected by the substitution:

    $$u_{xx}(x,t) = u_{xx}(x,\tau).$$

    Next, we need to relate $u_t$ to $u_\tau.$ We can do this by using the chain rule.

    $$\frac{d}{dt}u(x,\tau) = u_x*\frac{d}{dt}u(x,\tau) + u_\tau*\frac{d}{dt}u(x,\tau) = 0 + u_\tau*\frac{d}{dt}[K(t)-K(0)]$$

    Therefore $u_t(x,\tau) = u_\tau *k(t)$, since $k(t)$ is equal to $\frac{d}{dt}K(t)$

    Replacing $u_t$ in the original equation with $u_\tau$ gives:

    $$u_\tau*k(t) = k(t)u_{xx}.$$

    Dividing both sides by $k(t)$ gives a final equation of $u_\tau = u_{xx}.$

    This matches the standard diffusion equation, $u_t = Du_{xx}$, where $D = 1$ and is constant.

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