Burgers equation

edited January 2021 in Problems

Recall our basic conservation law expressed as a PDE:

$$u_t + \varphi_x = f.$$

Burgers equation is a model of nonlinear advection that arises from the conservation law by assuming the source is zero and the flux is $\frac{1}{2}u^2$. Derive Burgers equation.


This problem is kinda like problem 10 on page 38 of our text. Can you see what the flux is in that problem?


  • Recall our basic conservation law expressed as a PDE:

    $$u_t + \varphi_x = f.$$

    Here we assume the source $f = 0$ and the flux $\varphi = \frac{1}{2}u^2$. Taking the derivative of the flux with respect to $x$ by using the chain rule, we find $\varphi_x = uu_x$. Plugging these variables back into the original equation, we get

    $$u_t + uu_x = 0.$$

  • The basic conservation law expressed as a PDE is:

    $$u_t + \phi_x = f.$$

    To find Burgers equation, first assume that the source $f = 0$ and the flux $\phi = \frac{1}{2}u^2$.

    To find $\phi_x$ take the chain rule derivative of $\frac{1}{2} * u(x,t)^2$ with respect to $x$.

    Therefore $\phi_x = u(x,t) * u_x(x,t)$

    Inputting back into the basic conservation law gives:

    $$u_t + uu_x = 0$$

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