How do I format my post to incorporate things like sections, lists, images, and code?

You can format your post using Markdown. Using Markdown, you can

  • Break your post into sections,
  • Include links to other webpages,
  • Incorporate images,
  • Change the face of your font to,
    • Bold or
    • Italic
    • monospaced font for computer code, or
  • Make bulleted or numbered lists - like this one!

There are many resources to learn about Markdown. One of the easiest is this web page on GitHub. Also, note that there are point and click shortcuts to some specific markdown syntax supported by this site in the toolbar that appears above the editor the site provides when you're working on a post:

Finally, you can type a whole block of computer code by simply indenting it four spaces. For example, the markdown that I typed in for this particular post looks like so:

You can format your post using [Markdown]( 
Using Markdown, you can

  * Break your post into sections,
  * Include [links to other webpages](),
  * Incorporate images,
  * Change the face of your font to,
    * **Bold** or
    * *Italic*
    * `monospaced font for computer code`, or
  * Make bulleted or numbered lists - like this one!

There are many resources to learn about Markdown. One of the easiest is 
[this web page on GitHub]( 
Also, note that there are point and click shortcuts to some specific markdown 
syntax supported by this site in the toolbar that appears above the editor the site 
provides when you're working on a post:

![]( "")

Finally, you can type a whole block of computer code by simply indenting it 
four spaces. For example, the markdown that I typed in for this particular 
post looks like so:
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