A glance at the cobweb plots of \(f(x)=x^2-2\) and \(g(x)=4x(1-x)\) shows that they both exhibit very complicated behavior. In fact, they are chaotic in a perfectly quantitative sense. In this section, we'll introduce the doubling map, which is (in a sense) the prototypical chaotic map. After seeing why it's chaotic, we'll show that it's conjugate to \(f(x)=x^2-2\text{,}\) implying that it too is chaotic.
Subsection2.7.1The doubling map
Let \(H\) denote the half-open, half-closed unit interval:
H = [0,1) = \{x\in\mathbb R: 0\leq x < 1\}.
The doubling map \(d\) is the function \(d:H\to H\) defined by
A graph of the doubling map together with a typical cobweb plot starting at an irrational number is shown in Figure 1
Figure2.7.1The doubling map
As it turns out, the doubling map is particularly easy to analyze if we consider its effect on the binary representation of a number. Suppose that \(x\in H\) has binary representation
where each \(b_i\) is a zero or a one. (In computer parlance, the \(b_i\)s are called the bits of the number.) Of course, some numbers have multiple binary representations. For example,
To ensure uniqueness, we agree to consistently represent numbers with a terminating binary expansion, if possible. Thus, representations that end with a repeating 1 are excluded.
Now, the effect of \(d\) on the binary representation of \(x\) is simple:
That is, the effect of \(d\) is to simply shift the bits of \(x\) to the left, discarding the bit that shifted into the ones place. This observation makes it very easy to find orbits with specific properties. Suppose, for example, we want an orbit of period 3. Simply pick (almost) any number of the form
x = 0_{\dot 2}\overline{b_1 b_2 b_3}
The only caveat is that we can't have all \(b_i\)s the same for that would lead to either zero (which is fixed) or one (which is not in \(H\)). As a concrete example,
x = 0_{\dot 2}\overline{001} = \sum_{k=1}^{\infty}\frac{1}{8^k}=\frac{1}{7}
Another nice feature of this representation is that there is a simple correspondence between the binary expansion of a number and its position in the unit interval. Every number with a binary expansion starting with a zero lies in the left half of the unit interval, while every number starting with a one lies in the right half. The first two bits of a number specify in which quarter of the interval the number lies; the first three bits specify in which eighth of the unit interval the number lies, as shown in Figure 2
Figure2.7.2Dyadic intervals
More generally, given \(n\in\mathbb N\text{,}\) we can break the unit interval up into \(n\) pieces with length \(1/2^n\) and endpoints \(i/2^n\) for \(i=0,1,\ldots,2^n\text{.}\) These are called dyadic intervals and their endpoints (number of the form \(1/2^n\)) are called dyadic rationals. The first \(n\) bits of a number specify in which \(n^{\text{th}}\) level dyadic interval that number lies. In fact, the left hand endpoint of a dyadic interval has a terminating binary expansion which tells you exactly the first \(n\) bits of all the points in that interval.
Thus, the binary expansions of \(x_1\) and \(x_2\) agree up to at least the \(n^{\text{th}}\) spot but potentially disagree after that. Then, our geometric understanding of dyadic intervals allows us to easily see that,
Of course, there's also a simple algebraic proof of this fact, based on the fact that the bits cancel for \(k\leq n\) \begin{align*} |x_1 - x_2| &= \left|\sum_{k=n+1}^{\infty}\frac{x_k-x_k'}{2^k}\right| \\ &\leq \sum_{k=n+1}^{\infty}\frac{|b_k-b_k'|}{2^k} \leq \sum_{k=n+1}^{\infty}\frac{1}{2^k} = \frac{1}{2^n}. \end{align*}
We can now prove three claims about the doubling map that, together, assert that the doubling map displays some of the essential features of chaos. First, we'll need to state and prove a lemma.
Computing the difference using the binary representations, taking into account that the terms disagree in the first spot and agree in the second, and finally applying the reverse triangle inequality, we get \begin{align*} |x-y| &= \left|\sum_{i=1}^{\infty} \frac{b_i-b_i'}{2^n}\right| = \left|\pm\frac{1}{2} + \sum_{i=3}^{\infty} \frac{b_i-b_i'}{2^n}\right| \\ &\geq \left|\left|\pm\frac{1}{2}\right|-\left|\sum_{i=3}^{\infty} \frac{b_i-b_i'}{2^n}\right|\right| \geq \left|\frac{1}{2} - \frac{1}{4}\right| = \frac{1}{4}. \end{align*}
A geometric interpretation of this lemma is as follows. The fact that the two points disagree in the first spot means that they cannot lie in the same half of \(H\text{.}\) The fact that they do agree in the second spot means that they lie in the same quarter relative to their half, as shown in Figure 4. Clearly, any two such points cannot be within \(1/4\) of one another.
Figure2.7.4Possible positions of points in lemma Lemma 3
Claim2.7.5Sensitive dependence on initial conditions
For every \(x\in H\) and for every \(\varepsilon > 0\text{,}\) there is some \(y\in H\) and an \(n\in\mathbb N\) such that \(|x-y| < \varepsilon\) yet \(|d^n(x)-d^n(y) \geq 1/4\text{.}\)
That is, the bits of \(y\) agree with those of \(x\) in the first \(n\) spots, disagree with \(x\) in the \((n+1)^{\text{st}}\) spot, and finally agree with \(x\) again in the \((n+2)^{\text{nd}}\) spot.
Then, the numbers \(d^n(x)\) and \(d^n(y)\) satisfy the hypotheses of lemma Lemma 3, thus \(|d^n(x)-d^n(y)| \geq 1/4\text{.}\)
Claim2.7.6Denseness of periodic orbits
For every open interval \(I\subset H\text{,}\) there is some periodic orbit with an element in \(I\text{.}\)
We then concatenate these to obtain the binary representation of \(x\)
x = 0_{\dot 2}0\,1\,00\,01\,10\,11\,000\,001\,010\,011\,100\,101\,110\,111\ldots
Now, let \(I\subset H\) be an open interval. We claim that there is some iterate of \(x\) in \(I\text{.}\) To see that, let \(L\) denote the length of \(I\) and choose \(n\in\mathbb N\) large enough so that
Let \(i\) be the smallest integer such that \(i/2^n \in I\text{.}\) Note that we must also have \((i+1)/2^n \in I\text{.}\) Thus, the dyadic interval \([i/2^n,(i+1)/2^n)\) is wholly contained in \(I\) and the first \(n\) bits of every point in that interval agree with \(i/2^n\text{.}\) So, let
and note that, by construction, the string \(b_1 b_2 \cdots b_n\) appears somewhere in the binary expansion of \(x\text{.}\) Thus, we can apply the doubling function to the point \(x\) some number, say \(m\text{,}\) times to obtain
The number \(d^m(x)\) is then an iterate of \(x\) that lies in \(I\text{.}\)
While there is no truly universally accepted definition of chaos, claims Claim 5, Claim 6, and Claim 7 are generally agreed to express some of the essential features of chaos.
Subsection2.7.3A chaotic quadratic
Let \(f(x)=x^2-2\text{.}\) We now show that \(f\) is semi-conjugate to the doubling map \(d\) under the semi-conjugacy \(\varphi(x)=2\cos(2\pi x)\text{.}\) As a result, \(\varphi\) maps all the orbit types that \(d\) has to an orbit of \(f\) with similar properties. Thus, \(f\) is chaotic.
The map \(f(x)=x^2-2\) is semi-conjugate to the doubling map \(d(x)=2x\bmod1\) under the semi-conjugacy \(\varphi(x)=2\cos(2\pi x)\text{.}\)
Well, that was easy. The next part is a little trickier - we just need to apply a couple of trig identities and use the fact that we can drop the mods inside the squared trig functions due to the symmetries of those functions. \begin{align*} \varphi(d(x)) & = 2\cos(2\pi(2x \bmod 1)) \\ & = 2(\cos^2(\pi (2 x \bmod 1))-\sin^2(\pi (2 x \bmod 1))) \\ & = 2(\cos^2(2\pi x)-\sin^2(2\pi x)) \\ & = 2(\cos^2(2\pi x)-(1-\cos^2(2\pi x))) \\ & = 2(2\cos^2(2\pi x)-1) \\ & = 4\cos^2(2\pi x)-2 \\ \end{align*}
Find a point of period 11 for the chaotic quadratic \(f(x)=x^2-2\text{.}\)
The point behind conjugacy is that \(\varphi(1/2047) = 2\cos(2\pi/2047)\) will be a point of period 11 for \(f\text{.}\) The reader is advised to check this numerically!