Scraping CFB Stats

College Football Stats is a treasure trove of stats on, well, college football. Their most detailed stats are for sale but you can scrape a fair amount right off of their web pages. For example, here's OSU's stats for their 2014 National Championship Season.

This little page details a technique for scraping this data.

In [1]:
# Import a few libraries.
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs
import html5lib, requests, time, os
import pandas as pd
from scipy.stats.stats import pearsonr   

Scraping the data

In [2]:
# Set the year
year = '2016'

The rest should run from here. The code should produce a file CFB2016.csv in the working directory.

In [3]:
# Pointers to the webpages for all the teams
response = requests.get("" + year + "/team/index.html")
soup = bs(response.content, "html5lib")
anchors = soup.findAll("a")
team_anchors = [a for a in anchors if '/' + year + '/team/' in a.attrs['href']]
In [4]:
# Get the fields by examining one particular team
response = requests.get("" + year + "/team/518/index.html")
soup = bs(response.content, "html5lib")
stat_names = soup.findAll("td", {"class": "statistic-name"})
stat_names = [d.text for d in stat_names]

def cfbStatsField_to_fields(s):
    if s == 'Time of Possession / Game':
        return [["TEAM Time of Possession"], ["OPP Time of Possession"]]
    elif s == 'Scoring:  Games - Points':
        return [["TEAM Total Points"], ["OPP Total Points"]]
        cat,fields = s.split(": ")
        fields = fields.split(" - ")
        #fields = [[["TEAM " + cat + " " + field], ["OPP " + cat + " " + field]]  for field in fields]
        team_fields = ["TEAM " +cat+ " " + field for field in fields]
        opp_fields = ["OPP " +cat+ " " + field for field in fields]
        team_fields = [[x] for x in team_fields]
        return team_fields

myfields = [cfbStatsField_to_fields(s) for s in stat_names]
myfields = [item[0] for sublist in myfields for item in sublist]
myfields = [f.replace("Returns Returns", "Returns") for f in myfields]
myfields = [f.replace("Conversions Conversion", "Conversion") for f in myfields]
myfields = [f.replace("Conversions Conversions", "Conversion") for f in myfields]
head = ['Team', 'ID', 'Wins', 'Losses']
myfields = head.copy()
myfields = [' '.join(name.split()) for name in myfields]
df = pd.DataFrame(columns = myfields)
In [5]:
# Processes the rows in the Team Statistics table for each team
def process_row(row):
    data = row.findAll('td')
    cfbStatsField = data[0].text
    d = data[1:]
    if cfbStatsField == 'Scoring:  Games - Points':
        games_and_points = d[0].text.split(" - ")
        games = games_and_points[0]
        points = games_and_points[1]
        opponents_points = d[1].text.split(" - ")[1]
        return [points, opponents_points]
        d = [dd.text.split(" - ") for dd in d]
        d = [item for sublist in d for item in sublist] 
        return d

# Adds a team to the main data frame
def add_team(idx, team_anchor):
    team_name = team_anchor.text
    href = team_anchor.attrs['href']
    team_id = href.split('/')[3]
    response = requests.get("" + href)
    soup = bs(response.content, "html5lib")
    wl = soup.find('table', {"class":"team-record"}).findAll('td')[1].text.split('-')
    wins = wl[0]
    losses = wl[1]
    head = [team_name, team_id, wins, losses]

    more_data = soup.find("table", {"class": "team-statistics"})
    rows = more_data.contents[3].findAll('tr')
    more_data = [process_row(row) for row in rows[1:]]
    more_data = [item for sublist in more_data for item in sublist] 
    df.loc[idx] = head
In [6]:
# Do it!
# Takes a minute or so.
for i,ta in enumerate(team_anchors):
In [7]:
# Save the still fairly raw data to a CSV.
df.to_csv('CFB' + year + '_raw.csv')

Massage it a bit more

In [8]:
# A little function to convert the various formats to raw numbers
def entry_to_num(s):
        n = s
        if s[-1] == '%':
            return float(n.split('%')[0])/100.0
        if ',' in n:
            n = n.replace(',','')
        if ':' in n:
            x = n.split(':')
            return 60*float(x[0]) + float(x[1])
        if '.' in n:
            return float(n)
            return int(n)
        return s
In [9]:
# Add some stats that are combos of the stats so far
df = pd.read_csv('CFB' + year + '_raw.csv')
del df['ID']
df = df.iloc[:,:110]
df = df.applymap(entry_to_num)
df.columns = [' '.join(name.split()) for name in df.columns]
df.insert(4, 'WL%', df['Wins']/(df['Wins'] + df['Losses']))
df.insert(5, 'Turnover margin', 
    (df['OPP Fumbles Lost'] - df['TEAM Fumbles Lost']) + 
        (df['OPP Passing Interceptions'] - df['TEAM Passing Interceptions'])
df.insert(6, 'TEAM Passing Yards per Attempt', 
    df['TEAM Passing Yards']/df['TEAM Passing Attempts']
df.insert(7, 'OPP Passing Yards per Attempt', 
    df['OPP Passing Yards']/df['OPP Passing Attempts']
In [10]:
# Here are the columns sorted by correlation with W/L percentage.
correlations = [pearsonr(df['WL%'], df.iloc[:,k])[0] for k in range(5,112)]
sorted_columns = sorted(list(zip(df.columns[5:], correlations)), key = lambda x: -abs(x[1]))
In [11]:
# Here's the new data frame with the columns sorted by correlation with W/L%
cols = list(df.columns[:5])
cols.extend([x[0] for x in sorted_columns])
sorted_df = df[cols]
del sorted_df['Unnamed: 0']
In [12]:
# Export the final CSV file.
sorted_df.to_csv('CFB' + year + '.csv')