Mark's Calc III - Individual question feed source question and answer forum written in Python and DjangoenCopyright Askbot, 2010-2011.Mon, 30 Jun 2014 13:26:15 -0500How do you find a parametric equation for a hypercycloid? section 10.4, problem number 7: A wheel of radius 1 rolls around the outside of a circle of radius 3. A point P on the rim of the wheel traces out a curve called a hypercycloid. Assuming P starts at the point (3,0), find the parametric equations for the curve. This isn't an assigned problem, I am just curious and I am not sure how to geometrically break this problem apart to AnonymousMon, 30 Jun 2014 13:26:15 -0500 do I visualize space curves?'m having a bit of trouble visualizing some of the space curves on the homework (section 13.1, #1-4). I can draw sketches of what they look like in the x-y and the x-z planes, but when it comes to "combining" the two, I'm struggling. Do any of you have any suggestions? Or is this not even necessary for the homework as it just says to "investigate?" WesSun, 29 Jun 2014 19:02:51 -0500