Mark's Calc III - Individual question feed source question and answer forum written in Python and DjangoenCopyright Askbot, 2010-2011.Wed, 25 Jun 2014 17:12:22 -0500How can I include typeset mathematics in my posts? questions I see have beautifully typeset mathematics. For example, instead of seeing something like > integrate from -oo to oo e^(-x^2) w/resp to x some users input a beautifully typeset version of this. How can I include such typeset mathematics in my own posts? $$\lim_{\stackrel{h\rightarrow0}{h\in\mathbb R}}$$MarkSun, 22 Jun 2014 18:56:58 -0500 can I find a list of LaTeX symbols? are so many different mathematical symbols—where is the best place to find a list of their names for typesetting in LaTeX?JustinWed, 25 Jun 2014 17:12:22 -0500 makes a good question? makes a good question for our local AskBot forum? Are homework and WebWork questions allowed? What about questions on how to use the site?MarkSun, 22 Jun 2014 18:07:55 -0500 are tags? each question, I see one or more "tags" that seem to classify the question. For example, [this question]( on parametric plotting looks like it's tagged `Mathematica` and `ParametricPlots`: ![image description](/upfiles/ Exactly what are these and what is their use? How can I tag my questions?MarkSun, 22 Jun 2014 18:48:15 -0500 is AskBot? How does it affect my grade? says it all: What is AskBot - and, more specifically, this thing? And, most importantly, how does it affect my grade?MarkSun, 22 Jun 2014 10:32:02 -0500