Mark's Calc III - Individual question feed source question and answer forum written in Python and DjangoenCopyright Askbot, 2010-2011.Wed, 16 Jul 2014 07:09:35 -0500Exam 2 Review Sheet 4, part c, of the exam 2 review sheet asks: Let $f(x,y)=xy^3$ (c) From the point $(2,1)$, is there any direction $u$ so that $D_uf(2,1)=10$? So far I have calculated the gradient to be $$\bigtriangledown f(2,1)=<8,6>$$ The idea I had was to create a dot product of $\bigtriangledown f(2,1)$ and a general $u$ vector, and set it equal to 10. The trouble I'm having is figuring out how to solve the two unknowns because I only have one equation. AnonymousWed, 16 Jul 2014 07:09:35 -0500