Mark's Calc III - Individual question feed source question and answer forum written in Python and DjangoenCopyright Askbot, 2010-2011.Tue, 08 Jul 2014 16:57:54 -0500Does anyone know any tips or ideas on visualizing the functions? am having trouble matching the functions from the problem sheet that we did today (July 8) and I was wondering if someone could explain how they are matching the functions with their pictures or if they have any ideas of how they can be matched. I do know know how to create the pictures online but it is number 7 on the problem sheet. asmith14Tue, 08 Jul 2014 16:57:54 -0500 do I accurately visualize and describe level curves? the 14.1 homework tonight, many of the problems ask you to describe the level curves of the function. I understand how to do the rest of the problem, but how does one visualize what the level curves will look like? Is a 3D graphing program necessary, or is it possible to look at the function and tell? For example (Exercise 14.1.1), let $ f(x,y) = (x−y)^2$. The level curves of this function looks like lines of slope $1$... how could one tell that from the function alone? *Comment*: We haven't covered level curves in class, but they will be **major** when we get back after the fourth of July!!JustinWed, 02 Jul 2014 14:16:17 -0500