Final exam review: Test 1 source question and answer forum written in Python and DjangoenCopyright Askbot, 2010-2011.Sun, 22 Jun 2014 11:41:08 -0500What is AskBot? How does it affect my grade? says it all: What is AskBot - and, more specifically, this thing? And, most importantly, how does it affect my grade?Sun, 22 Jun 2014 10:32:02 -0500 by Mark for What is AskBot? How does it affect my grade?[AskBot]( is an open source tool for creating Q&A sites similar those found on the [StackExchange]( network. Using this tool, I've set up a small Q&A site for my classes. Anyone can *look* at the site, but only students I approve can sign up for full access - and you *must* use your UNCA email address to create an account and login. You can choose whatever screen name you like; your name is fine but you might choose to be anonymous, as well. Participation in our local AskBot *is mandatory* and will have a *definite impact* on your grade. As you ask and answer questions, other users (your fellow classmates and me) can upvote or downvote your questions. As the asker of a question, you might choose to accept a particular answer as the best. All of these actions contribute to your overall *karma*, a numerical score associated with your account. Your Karma should be shown in your profile and on your site badge. Mine is indicated as a 1 in the following below. My badge also indicates that I have a bronze badge. ![image description](/upfiles/ My intention is to scale your Karma to produce a number between 0 and 100 which will count towards your total points for the course. For this to work, it is imperative that folks participate by asking and answering question *and* by voting. If someone asks a good question, then upvote. If someone asks a stupid question, then downvote. (Users can always delete their questions, so that their grade won't be adversely affected.) Definitely upvote good answers and downvote incorrect answers. My genuine hope is that this will facilitate class discussion, that you'll have a fun way to discuss the mathematics that we are learning, and that you'll learn how to use some interesting technical tools along the way.Sun, 22 Jun 2014 11:41:08 -0500