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posted 2014-07-28 14:28:14 -0600

Wes gravatar image

Looks good so far! Or at least, this is what I have, and when I compute the integral I get the answer the book has. As for the bounds of integration, I believe it is from $0\leq t \leq 1$ due to our parametrization of the line $\vec{p}(t) = \langle1,2,0\rangle + t\langle1,-1,3\rangle$. If I'm not mistaken, whenever we parametrize a line segment, $0\leq t \leq 1$ is our bounds. When we get into parametrizing different shapes such as the top half of the unit circle in problem 4, our bounds change. For problem 4, I believe, our bounds would be $0\leq t\leq \pi$. I hope this helps, but if anyone else can add to this that'd be great.