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Homework 9 Question 4


Question four asks about a coin toss. I have calculated an answer at least ten times using the binomial coefficients method but I cannot get it right.

I was hoping someone could help out.

The question asks: “Suppose that you flip a coin 13 times. What is the probability that you achieve at least 4 tails?”

I keep getting .0873 after dividing my binomial coefficient value by 2^{13}

I know this should be super easy but I just cannot get it.

Thank you!


I guess you’re trying to modify this Sage code that looks like so:

k = var('k')
sum(factorial(99)/(factorial(k)*factorial(99-k)*2**99), k,0,46)

Note that there are three 99s and you need to change all of them. There’s also a starting point of 0 for the sum and an ending point of 46. Finally, if you want a decimal approximation, you might try

k = var('k')
N(sum(factorial(99)/(factorial(k)*factorial(99-k)*2**99), k,0,46))

That N evaluates numerically.

It looks to me like you should be expecting a big number - like 0.9\ldots, since 4 is well under the mean.