I agree!
H0: Each option in Rock, Paper, Scissors did not differ between each option.
HA: One of the options in Rock, Paper, Scissors is more likely to be picked.
rps = data.frame(observed = c(43, 21, 35), expected = (33))
dimnames(rps) = list(options = c(“Rock”, “Paper”, “Scissors”), picked = c (“Observed”, “Expected”))
Observed Expected
Rock 43 33
Paper 21 33
Scissors 35 33
(43 + 21+35) = 99
equal probability for expected: 1/3
(43-33)^2 / 33 + (21-33)^2 / 33 + (35-33)^2 / 33 = 7.51515 = 7.52
Pearson’s Chi-squared test
data: rps
X-squared = 4.0413, df = 2, p-value = 0.1326
Options picked are not significant enough to differ between each option. We are confident 95% of the time that we would fail to reject the null hypothesis.