For question 6 part c how should we express the hypothesis statements? Which part has a relationship and which doesn’t? Could we represent this in a more simple way than just writing there is and isn’t a relationship?
For question 6 part c how should we express the hypothesis statements? Which part has a relationship and which doesn’t? Could we represent this in a more simple way than just writing there is and isn’t a relationship?
so this is what I did to express my hypothesis statements for #6:
Ho: There is not a relationship between win-loss percentage and total offensive yards, or more simply,
m = 0.
Ha: There is a relationship between between win-loss % and total offensive yards, or m ≠ 0
Hope that clears things up!
Here is what I have~
H_o: Total yardage does not effect the WL ratio.
H_A: Total yardage does effect the WL ratio.