
Math 191: Calculus I
MWF 8:00AM-9:15AM or MWF 9:30AM-10:45AM in RRO 210

Professor: Mark McClure
Office: 325 Robinson Hall
Office hours: MWF 10:50 - ?

Course purpose

Calculus was first developed in the late 17th century by Isaac Newton. Newton developed calculus as a tool to understand Kepler's laws of planetary motion. In the process, he answered questions dating literally past the edge of recorded history, ushered in the modern scientific era, and created mathematical tools with applications to sciences still being discovered today. In this course we will:


There are some tools that we will not use:

Other resources

Computational and reference tools

As a general rule, I am very much in favor of using multiple modes of thinking to approach a problem. I encourage you to bring all you have to bear on homework problems. In particular, I encourage you to use technology. I will certainly show you how to approach things using

and other tools

Having said that, your objective is to learn the material. To that end, I recommend that you

Think first, think more, and consult afterwards.

Keep in mind that you'll demonstrate your knowledge on exams, where you won't be using computational assistance.

Your SI Leader

I strongly encourage you to talk to and work with others about this material. Hopefully, our class forum will encourage that to some degree.

Supplemental Instruction (SI) study sessions are also offered for this course and meet one to two times a week, throughout the semester. Supplemental Instruction is an academic support program that provides peer-led group study sessions to assist students in traditionally difficult courses.

Your SI sessions will be led by Noah Haley who has already taken this course and wrestled with these same problems and concerns, but who has also been trained to facilitate group sessions to help you improve your understanding of the course material in a fun and engaging way. Your SI Leader is also here to help you review and discuss important concepts, develop study strategies, and prepare for exams. SI is for everyone, and open to all students enrolled in this class; not just those students who are struggling. Attendance for SI sessions is free and voluntary. Students, who attend SI sessions weekly, typically earn higher final course and exam grades than students who do not participate in SI. Bring your lecture notes, books, questions and a friend with you.


Course policies


I don’t take daily attendance. Missing class with any regularity, however, will affect your course grade directly through the class participation grade and indirectly through its impact on your performance.

Academic integrity

You are expressly permitted to discuss questions and problems arising from homework or lab assignments with your classmates.

Exams are expected to be your work and yours alone. In addition, the expectation is that there will be no computational assistance, unless expressly permitted in limited situations. Please don’t cheat; I simply refer such cases to the administration.

Further information

You can find more information on dealing with special challenges here: