Logistic regression for NCAA prediction

In this notebook, we’ll learn about one step in the process of assessing the probability that this team beats that team. Specifically, we’ll learn about a topic called logistic regression that’s designed to translate past observations into future probabilities.

We’ll start, of course, with some imports:

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression

Training data

In the context of machine learning, past observations that are organized in a way to teach an algorithm how to classify is often referred to as training data. Our current objective is to teach an algorithm how to predict the likelihood that one team beats another team based on the difference between their Massey ratings. I’ve got some training data for exactly this purpose that lists every Men’s NCAA tournament game since 2010. The data looks like so:

training_data = pd.read_csv('https://www.marksmath.org/data/stat_training_data.csv')
season team1_name team1_massey_rating team2_name team2_massey_rating massey_diff label
0 2010 Ark Pine Bluff -7.423417 Winthrop -5.945631 -1.477785 1
1 2010 Winthrop -5.945631 Ark Pine Bluff -7.423417 1.477785 0
2 2010 Baylor 18.996449 Sam Houston St 4.425714 14.570735 1
3 2010 Sam Houston St 4.425714 Baylor 18.996449 -14.570735 0
4 2010 Butler 13.997684 UTEP 14.778773 -0.781089 1
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
1729 2023 Miami FL 12.780767 Connecticut 21.225009 -8.444242 0
1730 2023 San Diego St 16.311344 FL Atlantic 13.820686 2.490658 1
1731 2023 FL Atlantic 13.820686 San Diego St 16.311344 -2.490658 0
1732 2023 Connecticut 21.225009 San Diego St 16.311344 4.913665 1
1733 2023 San Diego St 16.311344 Connecticut 21.225009 -4.913665 0

1734 rows × 7 columns

In each row, we see a team 1 and a team 2, together with their Massey ratings. We also see a massey_diff column, that tells us the the Team1’s Massey rating minus Team2’s. The label column is a Boolean flag indicating if Team1 won the game or not. Note that each game is actually listed twice - once where Team1 wins and once where Team1 loses.

Let’s make a scatter plot of this data. On the horizontal axis, we have the difference between the Massey scores and we have the 0/1 label on the vertical axis. The result looks like so:

fig = plt.plot(training_data.massey_diff, training_data.label, 'ok', alpha=0.03)

Note that, generally speaking, larger massey_diffs are more likely to have a value of 1 while smaller massey_diffs are more likely to have a value of 0.

Now, the idea behind logistic regression is to fit a particular type of curve to this data. The algebraic form of the curve is something like so: \[f(x) = \frac{1}{1+e^{ax+b}}.\] Here’s an example of such a curve:

xs = np.linspace(-6,6,100)
ys = [1/(1+np.exp(-x)) for x in xs]
fig = plt.plot(xs,ys)

While this might all seem quite mysterious, the curve does have some nice properties from the point of view of probability:

  • It always returns a number between zero and 1 and
  • The greater the score difference the more confident we are.

By fit, we mean we try to find values of the parameters \(a\) and \(b\) to minimize the total squared error. Of course, we ask a computer to do this for us! Here’s how:

logreg = LogisticRegression()
X = training_data[['massey_diff']].to_numpy()
Y = training_data.label.to_numpy()
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Now, logreg can be used to make probabilistic predictions. Suppose one team has a Massey rating of 5 and another has a Massey rating of 15. Then, the logreg.predict_proba function can be used to compute the implied probability that team 2 beats team 1 as follows:

array([[0.25374749, 0.74625251]])

Thus, the probability is 0.746.

We can also see how the prediction curve fits with the data:

xs = np.linspace(-40,40,500)
ys = logreg.predict_proba([[x] for x in xs])
ys = [y[1] for y in ys]

plt.plot(training_data.massey_diff, training_data.label, 'ok', alpha=0.03)

Again, the idea is minimize the total least squared distance between the curve and the points and looks like this curve might do a reasonable job.

Of course, the idea is to apply this tool to the current 2024 season. Here are this years tournament teams, together with their Massey ratings:

seeds = pd.read_csv('https://www.marksmath.org/data/seeds2024.csv')
seeds.index = range(1,len(seeds)+1)
TeamName massey_rating
1 Houston 26.719731
2 Arizona 25.708375
3 Purdue 25.138448
4 Connecticut 25.080604
5 Auburn 23.691429
... ... ...
64 Stetson -4.132888
65 Montana St -4.205119
66 Howard -8.112068
67 Grambling -9.799923
68 Wagner -10.431391

68 rows × 2 columns

Note that both of North Carolina’s potential first round opponents, Howard and Wagoner, appear near the bottom. Let’s find UNC, who oughtta be in the top 10 at least:

TeamName massey_rating
1 Houston 26.719731
2 Arizona 25.708375
3 Purdue 25.138448
4 Connecticut 25.080604
5 Auburn 23.691429
6 Iowa St 23.380963
7 Tennessee 22.152318
8 Alabama 21.469345
9 North Carolina 21.359366
10 BYU 20.726570

So here’s our estimated probability that UNC would beat Howard:

logreg.predict_proba([[21.359366 - (-8.112068)]])
array([[0.03995772, 0.96004228]])

Thus, the model predicts that UNC has 96% chance of winning that game, which seems a bit low but not totally crazy either.

Final comments

While our prediction for UNC over Howard is not as confident as it should be, don’t forget that this is the first most basic attempt machine prediction in machine learning. There’s a lot more that can be done with logistic regression. Perhaps, the biggest thing is that it can take more variables into account, like

  • Other numeric data such as
    • Win/loss percentages,
    • Offensive/defensive efficiency metrics
    • Difference between seed numbers
    • Other rating systems
  • Categorical data such as conference

If we simply add conference and seed difference as variables, then we would expect our prediction that UNC (a 1 seed in the ACC) should beat Howard (a 16 seed in the MEAC) would improve greatly.

To verify this, the typical work flow breaks the historical data up into training data and testing data so that we gauge how well the algorithm works. SciKit Learn provides an automated pipeline for this purpose. SciKit Learn also provides a workflow for Neural Networks with a consistent command structure.