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#2 HW 09 on Hypothesis tests


I’m struggling with problem 2 of HW 9 on Hypothesis tests. Here’s the statement:

A newspaper conducted a statewide survey concerning the 1998 race for state senator. The newspaper took a SRS of n=1200 registered voters and found that 620 would vote for the Republican candidate. Let p represent the proportion of registered voters in the state who would vote for the Republican candidate.
We test

H_0:p=.50 \\ H_A:p>.50.

We need to find the Z-score and p-value.

I’m getting 1.11 for my Z-score and 0.1335 for my p-value but it’s telling me I’m wrong. Could somebody check my work or offer advice??


I also have been struggling with this problem. I have the correct p - Value but incorrect Z-score.
I got 1.159 for my Z-score and a p-Value of 0.123228.

To find that I found the Standard Error by √ ((0.5 x 0.5)/ 1200) and got 0.0144.
Then I found the Z-score by (0.5167 - 0.5)/0.0144 and got 1.159 for the Z- score.
I got 0.5167 by 620/1200.
When I looked that up in the Normal Calculator, I got a probability of 0.876772. I subtracted that from 1 and got a p-Value of 0.123228.

I am also struggling to find the Z-score, and I am a little confused how I have the correct p-Value but incorrect Z-score when I used the Z-score I found to get the p-Value.


For my number 2 on the HW, the data I had was as follows:
Voters for the Republican candidate= 670
I got the exact same answers as you (Z-score of 1.11 and p-value of 0.1335) and mine was counted correct.

For your data, though, I would solve it by doing:
St. dev= √(.50x.50)/1200 = 0.01443
620/1200= 0.5166666667
Z-score= (0.5166666667-0.5)/0.01443= 1.16
Which means the p-value would be 0.123024