Power Iteration

Today, we're going to talk about powers of matrices and how that leads to a way to compute the dominant eigenvector of a matrix.

Intro code

Can you see what's interesting about the following code?

								from numpy.random import rand,seed
								from scipy.linalg import norm

								M = rand(5,5)
								v = rand(5)
								for i in range(20):
								    v = M.dot(v)
								    v = v/norm(v)

								# Slightly simplified output:
								# [2.113 2.113 2.113 2.113 2.113]
								# [0.276 0.355 0.357 0.345 0.741]

Intro code (cont)

  • That penultimate line print(M.dot(v)/v) takes the vector $M\,\vec{v}$ and divides term-wise by $\vec{v}$. The result is vector of length 5 whose value is $2.113$ in each component.
  • Thus, $M\,\vec{v}=2.113\,\vec{v}$. That is, $\lambda=2.113$ is an eigenvalue of the matrix!
  • The vector $\vec{v}$ itself is the corresponding eigenvector that we print in the last line.
  • You can try it with live code. You should find that the process always converges to an eigenvalue/eigenvector pair.

Intro code (cont 2)

  • This technique just illustrated is called the power method.
  • While it doesn't always work, there is a surprisingly broad class of problems where it finds the so-called dominant eigenvector.
  • It is the basis for Google's original pagerank algorithm.
  • Our main objective today is to understand when and why the power method might work.


The basic idea behind iteration is very simple and quite broad.

  • Given: a function $f$ mapping a set $S$ to itself and a point $x_0 \in S$.
    • Let $x_1=f(x_0)$,
    • $x_2=f(x_1),\, \ldots$
    • $x_n=f(x_{n-1})$.
  • This recursively defines an infinite sequence of values $(x_k)_{k=1}^{\infty}$.
  • Another way to write the $k^{\text{th}}$ value is $x_k=f^k(x_0)$.

Iteration example

Let $f(x) = \frac{1}{2}x$ and let $x_0=12$. Then our sequence is

  • Note that each value is $\frac{1}{2}\times\text{ the previous value}$.
  • It's pretty easy to see that the sequence converges to zero.
  • In fact, the $k^{\text{th}}$ value is $\frac{1}{2^{k}}\times12$.

More generally, if $a\in\mathbb R$, we define $f(x)=ax$ and let $x_0\in\mathbb R$, then $f^{k}(x_0)=a^kx_0$.

Matrix iteration

Iteration via multiplication by a matrix is very similar:

  • Given: a matrix $A\in\mathbb R^{n\times n}$ and a vector $\vec{v}_{(0)}\in\mathbb R^n$
  • Define $\vec{v}_{(k)}$ recursively by $\vec{v}_{(k)} = A\,\vec{v}_{(k-1)}$
  • Then $\vec{v}_{(k)} = A^k\,\vec{v}_{(0)}$.

Note that we've used parentheses to distinguish the terms of our sequence from our growing list of sub-scripts and super-scripts.

Matrix iteration example

The image below explores the iteration of $\vec{v} \to T\,\vec{v}$, where

$$T = \frac{1}{5}\begin{pmatrix}3&1\\1&3\end{pmatrix}.$$ Iteration of a stable matrix

The outer ring is a set of initial seeds and each subsequent smaller ring is the image under multiplication by $T$ of the previous ring.

Iteration and eigenstructure

We'll explain why iteration should converge to an eigenvector under the following assumptions:

  • Suppose $A\in\mathbb R^{n\times n}$ is complete.
    (That is, $A$ has $n$ linearly independent eigenvectors $\vec{u}_1,\vec{u}_2,\ldots,\vec{u}_n$ that necessarily form a basis for $\mathbb C^n$.)
  • Suppose also, that $A$ has a single eigenvalue that is larger in absolute value than all the other eigenvalues. We will call this the dominant eigenvalue and will assume that it is $\lambda_1$ in the list of eigenvalues $(\lambda_k)$.
    (Since complex eigenvalues come in conjugate pairs, this implies that this dominant eigenvalue is real.)

Iteration and eigenstructure (cont)

  • Start with $\vec{v}_{(0)}\in\mathbb R^n$ chosen essentially randomly.
  • Write $\vec{v}_{(0)}$ can be written as a linear combination of the eigenvectors of $A$: $$\vec{v}_{(0)} = c_1 \vec{u}_1 + c_2 \vec{u}_2 + \cdots + \vec{u}_n.$$
  • Then, by linearity, $$A^k \vec{v}_{(0)} = c_1 \lambda_1^k \vec{u}_1 + c_2 \lambda_2^k \vec{u}_2 + \cdots + \lambda_n^k \vec{u}_n.$$
  • Thus, $$\frac{1}{\lambda_1^k}A^k \vec{v}_{(0)} = c_1 \vec{u}_1 + c_2 \left(\frac{\lambda_2}{\lambda_1}\right)^k \vec{u}_2 + \cdots + \left(\frac{\lambda_n}{\lambda_1}\right)^k \vec{u}_n \to c_1\,\vec{u}_1.$$

Iteration and eigenstructure (cont 2)

  • In practice, we don't know $\lambda_1$ as we apply the algorithm. Thus, we simply normalize the vector at each step.
  • While not every matrix has a dominant eigenvalue, there are many important applications where a dominant eigenvalue is guaranteed.
  • The most general theorem guaranteeing a dominant eigenvalue is the Perron-Frobenius theorem that we discussed when we first met EigenRanking:
    If the square matrix $A$ has nonnegative entries, then it has an eigenvector $\vec{r}$ with nonnegative entries corresponding to a positive eigenvalue $\lambda$. If $A$ is irreducible, then $\vec{r}$ has strictly positive entries, is unique, simple, and the corresponding eigenvalue is the one of largest absolute value.

Iteration and eigenstructure (cont 3)

The eigenstructure clarifies the iterative process.

Iteration of a stable matrix with eigenvectors

Sparse matrices

  • A sparse matrix is one with a lot of zeros.
    • Example: Google's Pagerank Matrix
  • On a computer, we can represent a sparse matrix by indicating the positions and values of the non-zero entries.
  • We can also multiply sparse matrices very quickly.
  • The power method is particularly well suited to applications where sparse matrices arise.

Simple example

The following matrix can be stored with 27 integers as a sparse matrix, versus 100 integers as a full matrix.

$$\begin{pmatrix} \color{lightgray}0 & 1 & \color{lightgray}0 & \color{lightgray}0 & \color{lightgray}0 & \color{lightgray}0 & \color{lightgray}0 & \color{lightgray}0 & \color{lightgray}0 & \color{lightgray}0 \\ \color{lightgray}0 & \color{lightgray}0 & 2 & \color{lightgray}0 & \color{lightgray}0 & \color{lightgray}0 & \color{lightgray}0 & \color{lightgray}0 & \color{lightgray}0 & \color{lightgray}0 \\ \color{lightgray}0 & \color{lightgray}0 & \color{lightgray}0 & 3 & \color{lightgray}0 & \color{lightgray}0 & \color{lightgray}0 & \color{lightgray}0 & \color{lightgray}0 & \color{lightgray}0 \\ \color{lightgray}0 & \color{lightgray}0 & \color{lightgray}0 & \color{lightgray}0 & 4 & \color{lightgray}0 & \color{lightgray}0 & \color{lightgray}0 & \color{lightgray}0 & \color{lightgray}0 \\ \color{lightgray}0 & \color{lightgray}0 & \color{lightgray}0 & \color{lightgray}0 & \color{lightgray}0 & 5 & \color{lightgray}0 & \color{lightgray}0 & \color{lightgray}0 & \color{lightgray}0 \\ \color{lightgray}0 & \color{lightgray}0 & \color{lightgray}0 & \color{lightgray}0 & \color{lightgray}0 & \color{lightgray}0 & 6 & \color{lightgray}0 & \color{lightgray}0 & \color{lightgray}0 \\ \color{lightgray}0 & \color{lightgray}0 & \color{lightgray}0 & \color{lightgray}0 & \color{lightgray}0 & \color{lightgray}0 & \color{lightgray}0 & 7 & \color{lightgray}0 & \color{lightgray}0 \\ \color{lightgray}0 & \color{lightgray}0 & \color{lightgray}0 & \color{lightgray}0 & \color{lightgray}0 & \color{lightgray}0 & \color{lightgray}0 & \color{lightgray}0 & 8 & \color{lightgray}0 \\ \color{lightgray}0 & \color{lightgray}0 & \color{lightgray}0 & \color{lightgray}0 & \color{lightgray}0 & \color{lightgray}0 & \color{lightgray}0 & \color{lightgray}0 & \color{lightgray}0 & 9 \\ \color{lightgray}0 & \color{lightgray}0 & \color{lightgray}0 & \color{lightgray}0 & \color{lightgray}0 & \color{lightgray}0 & \color{lightgray}0 & \color{lightgray}0 & \color{lightgray}0 & \color{lightgray}0 \end{pmatrix}$$

Simple example (cont)

A small, sparse matrix

A visualization of the simple example: Zeros are white, the largest value is black, and intermediate values are gray.

Deeper example

  • There are 353 NCAA basketball teams in division 1 and, prior to the COVID shutdown, those teams played a total of 5328 games.
  • If we want to rank those teams using the eigen-ranking strategy we learned earlier, we need a $353\times353$ matrix. In row $i$ and column $j$ we might place the number of times that team $i$ defeated team $j$.
  • To represent this as a dense matrix, we would need to store $353^2 = 124609$ entries.
  • As a sparse matrix, we need only $4406$ entries. We also need to store their postitions for a total of $3\times4406=13218$ numbers that need to be stored.

Deeper example (cont)

A visualization of the NCAA basketball matrix is far too large to write down here but it's not hard to visualize:

A large, sparse matrix

Clusters form on the diagonal because the teams are sorted into conferences.

Deeper example (cont 2)

scipy.sparse has a command called eigs designed to compute a few eigenvalue/eigenvector pairs of sparse matrices. Using that, I obtained the following strengths and rankings:

Team Strength
Florida_St 0.150725
Kansas 0.150592
Duke 0.148579
Villanova 0.146498
Maryland 0.140609
Michigan_St 0.138507
Baylor 0.138496
Creighton 0.137279
Oregon 0.135733
Louisville 0.134360
Virginia 0.133454
Kentucky 0.129268

Other eigenvalues

  • Inversion to find the smallest eigenvalue.
  • Deflation to find the second largest eigenvalue.
  • Shifting to find an eigenvalue near a suspected location

A working example

We're going to run through some computations with the following matrix:

$$ M = \left( \begin{array}{ccccc} 548 & -692 & 44 & 378 & 184 \\ 212 & -268 & 16 & 148 & 68 \\ 100 & -108 & -24 & 22 & -12 \\ -576 & 728 & -56 & -400 & -208 \\ 296 & -380 & 44 & 222 & 124 \\ \end{array} \right) $$

Imports and definition

								import numpy as np
								from scipy.linalg import norm,\
								 lu_solve, lu_factor
								M = np.array([
								  [548, -692, 44, 378, 184],
								  [212, -268, 16, 148, 68],
								  [100, -108, -24,22, -12],
								  [-576, 728, -56, -400, -208],
								  [296, -380, 44, 222, 124]

The largest eigenvalue

								v = [1,1,1,1,1]
								for i in range(50):
								    v = M.dot(v)
								    v = v/norm(v)

Full working code

Another eigenvalue

								MM = M - (-36)*np.identity(5)
								v = [1,1,1,1,1]
								for i in range(100):
								    v = MM.dot(v)
								    v = v/norm(v)

If $(\lambda,\vec{v})$ is an eigenpair for $M$, then $$(M-\lambda I)\vec{v} = M\vec{v}-\lambda\vec{v} = \vec{0}.$$ Thus, iteration of $M-\lambda I$ should converge to some other eigenvector.

Full working code

The smallest eigenvalue

								lu = lu_factor(M)
								v = [1,1,1,1,1]
								for i in range(100):
								    v = lu_solve(lu,v)
								    v = v/norm(v)

Since $1/\lambda$ is an eigenvalue of $M^{-1}$ when $\lambda$ is an eigenvalue of $M$.

Full working code

The SciPy Sparse routines

SciPy has library for working with sparse matrices that I'll describe here soon.