(10 pts - due by Wed, Jan 23)
The purpose of this assignment is to provide a gentle introduction to using this system. The assignment is simple: Tell me your favorite function, in nice mathematical notation, and include a computer generated graph. For example:
My answer:
My favorite function is f(x)=e^(-x^2).
I can plot its graph using Sage like so:
plot(e^(-x^2), (x,-3,3))
My answer is the stuff between the bold My Answer and the bold Comments . You should be able to format your answer in a similar fashion. Be sure to read how to do so in the About this site category. In particular, you’d want to read:
- How do I format my post nicely?
- How do I input typeset mathematics?
- How do I add graphics to my post?
- How do I input computer code?
I chose to graph this particular example with the Sage cell server because it’s pretty easy to use and has a nice, publicly available, web-based interface that I can link to. Another tool that’s even easier to use and produces awesome graphics is Desmos. There are many other graphing tools that you can use, though.
Also, keep in mind that the question asks for a function, not a more general equation or expression. Thus, something like sin(xy)=0 might look very cool when you plug it into Desmos, but it is not a function.