
In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

Symbolic examples with SymPy

Probably not a good idea, but... It's nice to see the equations sometimes.

A quadratic example

In class we discussed the interpolation of the data $\{(0,0),(1,-1),(3,2)\}$. Coming up with the system is not too bad but solving it is a bit of a pain. Here's how to automate the procedure.

In [2]:
import sympy

a1,b1,c1, a2,b2,c2, m,x = sympy.symbols('a1,b1,c1, a2,b2,c2, m,x')
def S1(x): return a1*x**2 + b1*x + c1
def S2(x): return a2*x**2 + b2*x + c2
eqs = [S1(0), S1(1)+1, S2(1)+1, S2(3)-2, \
       sympy.diff(S1(x)-S2(x),x).subs(x,1), \
       sympy.diff(S1(x),x).subs(x,0) - m  # The slope at the left is still arbitrary
 a1 + b1 + c1 + 1,
 a2 + b2 + c2 + 1,
 9*a2 + 3*b2 + c2 - 2,
 2*a1 - 2*a2 + b1 - b2,
 b1 - m]

Note that when expressions appear in a solve expression, solve assumes we want them to be zero. Thus, for example, S(1)+1 expresses that we want S(1)==-1.

Here's how we solve them:

In [3]:
solution = sympy.solve(eqs)
{c2: 3*m/2 + 11/4, a1: -m - 1, b2: -2*m - 11/2, a2: m/2 + 7/4, b1: m, c1: 0}

Note that we've expressed the solution in terms of m. Thus, we can plot the solution in terms of m.

In [4]:
from ipywidgets import interact
SS1 = sympy.lambdify((x,m), S1(x).subs(solution))
SS2 = sympy.lambdify((x,m), S2(x).subs(solution))

xs1 = np.linspace(0,1)
xs2 = np.linspace(1,3)
def pic(m=0):
    ys1 = SS1(xs1,m)
    plt.plot(xs1,ys1, linewidth=2)
    ys2 = SS2(xs2,m)
    plt.plot(xs2,ys2, linewidth=2)
    ax = plt.gca()
    plt.plot([0,1,3],[0,-1,2], 'ok')
interact(pic, m=(-4,4,0.05));

A natural cubic

While were at it, let's do a natural cubic with the same data.

In [5]:
a1,b1,c1,d1, a2,b2,c2,d2, x = sympy.symbols('a1,b1,c1,d1, a2,b2,c2,d2, x')
def S1(x): return a1*x**3 + b1*x**2 + c1*x + d1
def S2(x): return a2*x**3 + b2*x**2 + c2*x + d2
eqs = [S1(0), S1(1)+1, S2(1)+1, S2(3)-2, \
       sympy.diff(S1(x)-S2(x),x).subs(x,1), \
       sympy.diff(S1(x)-S2(x),x,2).subs(x,1), \
       sympy.diff(S1(x),x,2).subs(x,0),  # Natural cubic means that these
       sympy.diff(S2(x),x,2).subs(x,3)   # second derivatives are zero.
solution = sympy.solve(eqs)
{a1: 5/12, a2: -5/24, b1: 0, b2: 15/8, c1: -17/12, c2: -79/24, d1: 0, d2: 5/8}
In [6]:
SS1 = sympy.lambdify((x), S1(x).subs(solution))
SS2 = sympy.lambdify((x), S2(x).subs(solution))

xs1 = np.linspace(0,1)
xs2 = np.linspace(1,3)
ys1 = SS1(xs1)
ys2 = SS2(xs2)
ax = plt.gca()
plt.plot([0,1,3],[0,-1,2], 'ok');

Using SciPy

This probably is a good idea! We're going to play with some slightly more complicated data using both the interpolating polynomial (via lagrange) and an interpolating spline (via interp1d). Both of these functions are in the scipy.interpolate module.

In [7]:
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d, lagrange
data = [(0,8),(1,6),(3,5),(4,3),(6,2),(8,0)]

The interpolating polynomial

Not too bad, but it does get a little crazy at the end.

In [8]:
x_data = [d[0] for d in data]
y_data = [d[1] for d in data]
x_min = x_data[0]
x_max = x_data[-1]
p = lagrange(x_data,y_data)
xs = np.linspace(x_min,x_max,200)
ys = p(xs)

Linear and quadratic splines

In [9]:
f1 = interp1d(x_data,y_data, kind=1)
ys1 = f1(xs)
f2 = interp1d(x_data,y_data, kind=2)
ys2 = f2(xs)

Quadratic and cubic splines

In [10]:
f3 = interp1d(x_data,y_data, kind=3)
ys3 = f3(xs)
f2 = interp1d(x_data,y_data, kind=2)
ys2 = f2(xs)
plt.plot(xs,ys2, alpha=0.5)

Nice and smooth!

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