An archived instance of discourse for discussion in undergraduate Complex Dynamics.

Welcome to Discourse


This website is a discussion forum for Mark McClure's Complex Dynamics class set up using Discourse.

Participation in this site is invite only. This post is meant to introduce you to the basics of discourse. There is another Meta Question that describes how to enter groovy typeset mathematics, code, and images. We'll also discuss the site and play with it in class some.

Note that participation is mandatory - you earn actual points for your grade!

So, how do you get those points?

First, Discourse has a built in trust level system. You start at trust level zero and can increase up to trust level three by participation. You'll earn 10 points per trust level. (More details on the trust levels are below.)

Second, there will be a number required problems throughout the semester. Mostly, these will be questions where you investigate the dynamical behavior of a function particular to you. When you answer the question and receive a "like" from me, you'll earn some points - probably 5 or 10 of them.

Trust level thresholds

To make it to trust level 1 you must

  • Spend at least 10 minutes
  • Reading 10 posts
  • Spread out over 5 topics

To make it to trust level 2 you must

  • Spend an hour
  • Over 10 days
  • Reading 20 posts
  • Spread over 10 topics
  • Reply to at least 3 topics
  • Receiving 3 likes and
  • Dishing out at least 5 likes of your own

To make it to trust level 3 you must

  • Spend at least an hour and a half
  • Over 20 days
  • Viewing at least 20 topics
  • Replying to at least 6 topics
  • Giving at least 10 likes
  • Receiving at least 8 likes of your own

It's really not particularly hard to make it to trust level 2.