For our first programming "project", you'll try to find the roots of a fun function using SciPy's built in brentq
as well as your own Newton's method code. Here's a (somewhat easier) sample problem, where we'll play with
$$f(x) = x^4-5x-1.$$
As we often do, we'll start by importing some functionality.
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import brentq
Let's begin our analysis by looking at a plot of the function. Since we're looking for roots, let's also plot the line $y=0$ so we can see the roots clearly.
def f(x): return x**4-5*x-1
xs = np.linspace(-2,2,100)
Let's look for the positive root; there's clearly one between $1$ and $2$ and Brent's method can find it.
x0 = brentq(f,1,2)
Here's a geometric double check.
Cool! Here's how to find it with Newton iteration.
def n(x): return x-(x**4-5*x-1)/(4*x**3-5)
xi = 1.5
cnt = 0
while abs(f(xi))>10**(-15) and cnt < 100:
xi = n(xi)
cnt = cnt + 1
xi = n(n(xi))