Let $f(x)=1/(e^x-1)$ and suppose we want to compute $f(x)$ for small, postive values of $x$. Since $e^x\approx 1$, we expect that $e^x$ has the form $1.00\cdots00abc\cdots$ for some digits. Since we have a limited precision, we expect to lose some significance, which will be magnified when we take the reciprocal. It's easy to see why this should happen. Suppose that we compute $x_1-x_2$ with $x_1 = 1.23456789$ and $x_2=1.23456787$. We assume that $x_1$ and $x_2$ represent real quantities; thus, these are only decimal approximations but all digits are correct. We might say that the numbers have $9$ digit precision. If we compute their difference, however, we obtain:
\begin{align} &1.23456789 \\ -&1.23456787 \\ &\overline{\color{red}{0.0000000}2} \end{align}The result only has one digit precision. The problem truly becomes evident, if we take the reciprocal to get $50000000.0$. We'll show that this could be very wrong using the mpmath
library in a bit. First, let's explore another example.
We can experiment with this effect using Python's decimal
library. Let's load the library and set the working precision fairly low.
from decimal import Decimal, getcontext
getcontext().prec = 7
Let's define a small small number and evaluate our function at that point.
x = Decimal('0.001')
try1 = 1/(x.exp()-1)
Another way to estimate the value of the expression is to use a Taylor approximation: $$e^x-1 = x+\frac{1}{2}x^2 + \frac{1}{6}x^3.$$ On the face of it, it doesn't seem like this should be as good. But it does avoid loss of precision. Let's try it.
try2 = 1/(x + x**2/2 + x**3/6)
Noticeably different:
But which is better? One approach to figure this out is to check against numpy.
from numpy import exp
So, the series approximation actually looks better! When precision is really important, there's a high precision library called mpmath
that let's us lift the precision way up.
from sympy.mpmath import mp
mp.dps = 100
x = mp.mpf('0.001')
We can use mpmath
to explore our introductory example. Suppose that, to more precision,
x_1 &= 1.23456789101112131415 \
x_2 &= 1.23456787654321012345
Let's compute $1/(x_1-x_2)$ to high precision.
mp.dps = 30
x1 = mp.mpf('1.23456789101112131415')
x2 = mp.mpf('1.23456787654321012345')
Oops - very different from $1/0.00000002 = 50000000.0$!