It's good to understand that there are many equations (even very simple equations) that cannot be easily solved in closed form. As two seemingly simple examples, let's take a look at
It's easy to see that these equations have solutions by simply looking at some graphs. We'll use a couple of Python packages to do this. Note that you can try the code out yourself at!
%matplotlib inline
from sympy import *
from sympy.plotting import plot
x = symbols('x')
import warnings
Here's the graph of the first equation.
plot(cos(x), x, (x,-0.2,1.2))
That point of intersection shows that there is a solution. Let's ask the computer for a symbolic representation of the solution.
Well, that's discouraging! How about a simple cubic polynomial?
plot(x**3-3*x-1, (x,-2,2))
Looks like there are three roots. Let's find them!
Newton'd method tells us that we can approximate the root of a function by iterating the related Newton's method iteration function: $$n(x) = x - \frac{f(x)}{f'(x)}.$$ We should start the iteration near the root we want to find. For example, the previous graph shows that $f(x)=x^3-3x-1$ has a root slightly less than $2$. If we set $x_1=2$, $x_2=n(x_1)$, and (generally) $x_i=f(x_{i-1})$ we should generate a sequence that converges to the root. Let's try it!
def f(x): return x**3 - 3*x - 1
n = lambdify(x, x-f(x)/diff(f(x),x))
xi = 2.0
cnt = 0
while abs(f(xi)) > 10.0**(-10):
cnt = cnt+1
xi = n(xi)
This tells us that in 4 iterations, Newton's method found an estimate to the solution $x_i$ so that $|f(x_i)|<1/10^10$ - i.e., a residual accurate to within 10 digits. Not bad!
We can apply this to $\cos(x)=x$ by first writing the equation as $\cos(x)-x=0$ and finding a root of $f(x)=\cos(x)-x$.
def f(x): return cos(x)-x
n = lambdify(x, x-f(x)/diff(f(x),x))
xi = 2.0
cnt = 0
while abs(f(xi)) > 10.0**(-10):
cnt = cnt+1
xi = n(xi)