Stat 185 Transition Plans

after Hurricane Helene

As we all know, things have changed tremendously in Asheville since Hurricane Helene. Nonetheless, we are forging ahead striving to learn our subject matter as best we can. As we do so, we've got to account for the facts that

To account for all of this, UNCA faculty have been asked to shift to an online learning environment that allows the possibility of asynchronous access. Of course, we're hoping to do this within a compressed timeframe and without sacrificing our Student Learning Objectives.

As difficult as that sounds, I'm optimistic that can largely accomplish those goals.

The plan moving forward

Student Learning Objectives

First, let's make sure we understand our student learning objectives. They are essentially the bullet points under the Course Purpose section on our syllabus:

We've actually made good progress on all of these already. We've effectively completed the first two bullet points.


We have four full weeks between now and Thanksgiving break. Generally, those weeks will consist of

Four week outline

After the break

I plan to have one more computer lab after Thanksgiving break. How that works exactly depends on how connected we all are by that point in time.


Your grade for the remainder of the semester will be based on the four online HWs, the two online Quizzes, and computer lab. I'll average your grade for this post hurricane section with your grade prior.