An archived instance of a Calc III forum

Your favorite function


(5 pts)

As students who’ve already learned mathematics through Calculus II, I assume that you all have a favorite function. Your first assignment is to tell us about it. Specifically,

  • Type out your favorite function using LaTeX syntax and
  • Include a graph of your favorite function.

Check out this post on formatting in the forum to see how to input stuff nicely into the forum.


My favorite function is f(x) = e^{-x^2}. Its graph looks like this:

By the way, I typed that in like so:

$f(x) = e^{-x^2}$

I created that graph using GeoGebra.


My favorite function is probably just a simple f(x) = \sin (x). I find it cool and scientific looking, yet kinda like a wave, plus you can use pi rather than just regular integers.


One of my favorite functions is the hyperbolic tangent activation function (or tanh). It is one of the popular activation functions in neural networks. Similar to a sigmoid function but having a better range (-1, 1).

\tanh(x) = \frac{e^x-e^{-x}}{e^x+e^{-x}}.


My favorite function is f(x) = \vert sin(x^x)/2^{((x^x-pi/2)/pi)} \rvert. The graph of this function can be seen below:


My favorite function is r = 8\sin(4\theta) because I like that if you change the number in the parentheses it changes the number of petals the little flower has.


My favorite function varies frequently, and at the moment it is f(x) = \sin(x) - \cos(x) + \tan(x).
I enjoy the repetition of the two lines it produces, and also that when zoomed out far enough it becomes a wall of color on desmos.
here is the graph:


My favorite function is f(x)= (cos(x^2)+x)^2 . It’s pretty cool on how it looks which is:


My favourite function is incredibly simple, but it’s my favourite because of how easy it is to integrate. Whenever I have to take derivatives or antiderivatives, I’m relieved to see f(x)=e^x.


My favorite function is f(x) = 1/x. I like how 1/x is the inverse of x and the left side of the graph is the reciprocal of the right half

inverse function


My favorite function is the base function of a circle because of how the center coordinates are the inverse of what you put in the function. x+1 means -1 x coordinate, etc.

1= (x-1)^2+(y+2)^2



My favorite function is. I think its cool because of the asymptotes on the x and y axis.

f(x) = cos(x)/sin(x) + tan(x)


My favorite function is
x^2 +(y-1/2|x|^(1/2))^2=1 . I found this when messing with making circles last semester in calc 2. This is how it looks.


My favorite function is f(x)= sin(99x) because I like the comb like look of the curves.


My favorite function is f(x) = x * sin(x) and the graph looks like this:


My favorite function is f(x) = tan(\frac{1}{x}). Its graph looks like this:


One of my favorite functions is f(x)=x^4+y^4-x^{-2}
Because I think it looks cool.


My favorite function is \ln(x) purely for the fact that it is rather easy to derive from, since it’s just 1 over the value inside the function, which is a really nice breath of fresh air when tackling very complex problems (except when you end up having multiple \ln(x), which makes it VERY interesting to formulate the denominator correctly.


My favorite function is simple; it’s just \ln(x). I like it because it’s used everywhere similar to e^x, particularly in number theory and statistics.



my favorite function is


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