Numerically solve an IVP

edited August 2020 in Assignments

(10 pts)

Produce and IVP of the form
y' = r\,y\,\sin(y), : y(0)=1
by choosing the decimals of $r$ to be the positions in the alphabet of your login name.
For example, my login name is mark and the positions of those letters are 13, 1, 18, and 11. Thus, for me, $r=0.1311811$ and my ODE is
y' = 0.1311811 \, y \, \sin(y).
Find the value of $t$ for which $y(t)=3$.


  • edited August 2020

    So, here's how I might approach it. First, my IVP is

    y' = 0.1311811 \, y \, \sin(y), \: y(0) = 1.

    OK, so first I'm going to load the libraries:

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import numpy as np
    from scipy.integrate import odeint
    from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
    from scipy.optimize import brentq

    Now, let's set up and solve the IVP:

    # Redefine f as a function of both y and t
    def f(y,t):
        return 0.1311811*y*np.sin(y)
    # Some t values that are appropriate to plot the solution
    t = np.linspace(0,20,100)
    # Solve it!
    y = odeint(f, 1, t).flatten()
    # Plot it!!

    Finally, I'll interpolate the solution and solve it:

    y_interp = interp1d(t,y)
    t0 = brentq(lambda y: y_interp(y)-3, 0, 20)
  • edited August 2020

    ``So my equation (if I use Chris as my name) is: $$ y' = 0.3818919 \, y \, \sin(y), \: y(0) = 1 $$

    My code libraries are:

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import numpy as np
    from scipy.integrate import odeint
    from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
    from scipy.optimize import brentq

    Then I set up and solved the IVP:

    # Redefine f as a function of both y and t
    def f(y,t):
      return 0.3818919*y*np.sin(y)
    # Some t values that are appropriate to plot the solution
    t = np.linspace(0,10,100)`
    # Solve it!
    y = odeint(f, 1, t).flatten()`
    # Plot it!!

    Finally, I interpolated the solution:

    y_interp = interp1d(t,y)
    t0 = brentq(lambda y: y_interp(y)-3, 0, 10)

    And got:

  • edited August 2020

    My IVP was: $$y' = (0.112935)\,y\,\sin(y), : y(0)=1$$

    Loading the libraries:

    # A graphics library
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    # Basic numerical tools
    import numpy as np
    # Scipy's numerical ODE solver
    from scipy.integrate import odeint
    # Convert data generated by odeint to a computable function
    from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
    # A numerical rootfinder
    from scipy.optimize import brentq

    Now for solving the IVP:

    # Redefine f as a function of both y and t
    def f(y,t):
    return (0.112935)*y*np.sin(y)
    # Some t values that are appropriate to plot the solution
    t = np.linspace(0,20,100)
    # Solve it!
    y = odeint(f, 1, t).flatten()
    # Plot it!!

    Interpolating the solution:

    y_interp = interp1d(t,y)
    t0 = brentq(lambda y: y_interp(y)-3, 0, 20)
    #Output: 13.933757759135883

    checking graphically:


  • My equation is:

    $$ y' = 0.1020815135ysin(y) $$

    Here's the code I did:

     # A graphics library
     import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
     # Basic numerical tools
     import numpy as np
     # Scipy's numerical ODE solver
     from scipy.integrate import odeint
     # Convert data generated by odeint to a computable function
     from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
     # A numerical rootfinder
     from scipy.optimize import brentq
     # Redefine f as a function of both y and t
     def f(y,t):
          return 0.1020815135*y*np.sin(y)
      # Some t values that are appropriate to plot the solution
      t = np.linspace(0,20,200)
      # Solve it!
      y = odeint(f, 1, t).flatten()
      # Plot it!!


    array([1. , 1.00869456, 1.01751339, 1.02645847, 1.03553176,
    1.04473522, 1.0540708 , 1.06354048])

      y_interp = interp1d(t,y)


      t0 = brentq(lambda y: y_interp(y)-3, 0, 20)





  • edited August 2020

    My IVP was

    $$dy/dt=0.42512114y\sin(y), y(0)=1$$

    Using basic, large step-size Euler's method, I got that at $$y(t)=3, t\approx3.62$$

    To get a more precise estimate, I used Mark's code:

    # A graphics library
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    # Basic numerical tools
    import numpy as np
    # Scipy's numerical ODE solver
    from scipy.integrate import odeint
    def f(y,t):
        return 0.42512114*y*np.sin(y)
    t = np.linspace(0,8,100)
    y = odeint(f, 1, t).flatten()

    from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
    from scipy.optimize import brentq
    y_func = interp1d(t,y)
    t0 = brentq(lambda t: y_func(t)-3,0,8)

    To find that at $$y(t)=3, t\approx3.702112268685581$$

  • edited August 2020

    My IVP using my name Austin is:

    $$y' = 0.1311811 \, y \, \sin(y), : y(0) = 1.$$

    Next I loaded the libraries:

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import numpy as np
    from scipy.integrate import odeint
    from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
    from scipy.optimize import brentq

    Then I solved the IVP:

    # Redefine f as a function of both y and t
    def f(y,t):
        return 0.1211920914*y*np.sin(y)
    # Some t values that are appropriate to plot the solution
    t = np.linspace(0,20,100)
    # Solve it!
    y = odeint(f, 1, t).flatten()
    # Plot it!!

    Finally I interpolated the solution and solved it:

    y_interp = interp1d(t,y)
    t0 = brentq(lambda y: y_interp(y)-3, 0, 20)
  • edited August 2020

    My IVP is:
    $y^{\prime}=.114418523 y \sin (y), y(0)=1$

    And my code and resulting answers are as follows:

    Import necessary libraries:

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import numpy as np
    from scipy.integrate import odeint
    from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
    from scipy.optimize import brentq

    def f(y,t):
    return .114418523*y*np.sin(y)
    t = np.linspace(0,20,100)
    y = odeint(f, 1, t).flatten()

    This gives me the array:
    array([1. , 1.01976475, 1.04017289, 1.06124679, 1.08300904,
    1.10548228, 1.12868906, 1.15265169, 1.17739199, 1.20293107,
    1.2292891 , 1.25648492, 1.28453576, 1.31345679, 1.34326076,
    1.37395749, 1.40555336, 1.43805078, 1.47144761, 1.5057366 ,
    1.54090478, 1.57693284, 1.61379466, 1.65145672, 1.68987771,
    1.72900818, 1.7687903 , 1.80915783, 1.85003621, 1.8913428 ,
    1.9329875 , 1.97487337, 2.01689757, 2.05895252, 2.10092721,
    2.14270855, 2.18418305, 2.22523826, 2.26576451, 2.30565631,
    2.34481388, 2.38314434, 2.42056288, 2.45699355, 2.49236994,
    2.52663557, 2.55974407, 2.59165907, 2.62235406, 2.65181188,
    2.68002421, 2.70699093, 2.73271937, 2.75722353, 2.78052327,
    2.80264357, 2.82361368, 2.84346643, 2.86223752, 2.87996487,
    2.89668801, 2.91244763, 2.92728501, 2.94124171, 2.95435914,
    2.96667832, 2.97823957, 2.98908237, 2.99924512, 3.00876505,
    3.01767815, 3.026019 , 3.03382083, 3.04111539, 3.04793301,
    3.0543026 , 3.06025159, 3.06580604, 3.07099064, 3.07582871,
    3.08034231, 3.08455224, 3.08847808, 3.0921383 , 3.09555024,
    3.0987302 , 3.10169349, 3.10445446, 3.1070266 , 3.1094225 ,
    3.11165399, 3.11373212, 3.11566724, 3.11746902, 3.11914651,
    3.12070814, 3.12216183, 3.12351492, 3.12477431, 3.12594641])


    y_func = interp1d(t,y)
    t1 = brentq(lambda t: y_func(t)-1,0,20)



  • edited August 2020


    y\prime = 0.11475121ysin(y)

    Load the Libraries:

    # A graphics library
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    # Basic numerical tools
    import numpy as np
    # Scipy's numerical ODE solver
    from scipy.integrate import odeint
    # Convert data generated by odeint to a computable function
    from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
    # A numerical rootfinder
    from scipy.optimize import brentq

    Set up and solve the IVP:

    # Redefine f as a function of both y and t
    def f(y,t):
    return (0.11475121)*y*np.sin(y)
    # Some t values that are appropriate to plot the solution
    t = np.linspace(0,20,100)
    # Solve it!
    y = odeint(f, 1, t).flatten()
    # Plot it!!

    Interpolate the solution and solve:

    y_interp = interp1d(t,y)
    t0 = brentq(lambda y: y_interp(y)-3, 0, 20)
  • edited August 2020

    My equation is (using mcespede):

    $$ y'=0.13351916545 y \sin (y) $$

    My library codes are:

    # A graphics library
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    # Basic numerical tools
    import numpy as np
    # Scipy's numerical ODE solver
    from scipy.integrate import odeint
    # Convert data generated by odeint to a computable function
    from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
    # A numerical rootfinder
    from scipy.optimize import brentq

    Then I set up and and solved the IVP:

    # Redefine f as a function of both y and t
    def f(y,t):
        return 0.13351916545*y*np.sin(y)
    # Some t values that are appropriate to plot the solution
    t = np.linspace(0,20,100)
    # Solve it!
    y = odeint(f, 1, t).flatten()
    # Plot it!!

    Interpolate the solution and solve it:

    y_interp = interp1d(t,y)
    t0 = brentq(lambda y: y_interp(y)-3, 0, 20)

    # Output:

  • edited August 2020

    My equation is: $y' = (0.11255) * y * sin(y) $

    Next I load the libraries:

    # A graphics library
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    # Basic numerical tools
    import numpy as np
    # Scipy's numerical ODE solver
    from scipy.integrate import odeint
    # Convert data generated by odeint to a computable function
    from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
    # A numerical rootfinder
    from scipy.optimize import brentq

    Next setting up and solving the IVP

    # Redefine f as a function of both y and t
    def f(y,t):
    return (0.11255)*y*np.sin(y)
    # Some t values that are appropriate to plot the solution
    t = np.linspace(0,20,100)
    # Solve it!
    y = odeint(f, 1, t).flatten()
    # Plot it!!

    Finally, Interpolating the solution to solve

    t0 = brentq(lambda y: y_interp(y)-3, 0, 20)

    The output being

  • My equation is: $$y' = 0.51893y\sin(y)$$

    First the following libraries are loaded:

      # A graphics library
      import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
      # Basic numerical tools
      import numpy as np
      # Scipy's numerical ODE solver
      from scipy.integrate import odeint
      # Convert data generated by odeint to a computable function
      from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
      # A numerical rootfinder
      from scipy.optimize import brentq

    Next the solution is graphed with the following code:

      # Redefine f as a function of both y and t
      def f(y,t):
          return 0.51893*y*np.sin(y)
      # Some t values that are appropriate to plot the solution
      t = np.linspace(0,5,1000)
      # Solve it!
      y = odeint(f, 1, t).flatten()
      # Plot it!!

    Finally interpolating the solution using:

      y_interp = interp1d(t,y)
      t0 = brentq(lambda y: y_interp(y)-3, 0, 5)

    Output: 3.0323732170171915

    Displaying this graphically:


  • edited August 2020

    Using my name generates my equation as:
    $$y' = 0.1920516 \, y \, \sin(y), : y(0) = 1$$

    Loading my libraries:

        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        import numpy as np
        from scipy.integrate import odeint
        from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
        from scipy.optimize import brentq

    Solving the IVP:

        def f(y,t):
            return 0.1920516*y*np.sin(y)
        t = np.linspace(0,12,100)
        y = odeint(f, 1, t).flatten()

    Finally, interpolating the solution and solving:

        t0 = brentq(lambda y: y_interp(y)-3, 0, 12)

    Resulting in:

  • edited August 2020

    @ChristianDonaldson , @andrew , @Austin , @StephenC

    I think you've all got some good work here but need a little help with formatting. Keep in mind that formatting is done with Markdown, as described in [this forum post]. In particular, a block of code should should be indented four spaces to appear as a code block in your post. For example, if we want to our post to look like:

    def f(x):
        a = 2
        return x+a
    # Output:
    # 5

    I'd type:

        def f(x):
            a = 2
            return x+a
        # Output:
        # 5

    Note that I've include the output as a Python comment.

    You folks are using backticks to indicate code but that is meant for inline code. For example, if I wanted to write: Use the def statement to define a function, I'd just wrap the "def" in backticks. Note that inline code doesn't preserve linebreaks, which i why you all are having problems with that.

  • edited August 2020

    SAM: 19,1,13

    $r = .19113$

    # A graphics library
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    # Basic numerical tools
    import numpy as np
    # Scipy's numerical ODE solver
    from scipy.integrate import odeint
    # Convert data generated by odeint to a computable function
    from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
    # A numerical rootfinder
    from scipy.optimize import brentq
    # Redefine f as a function of both y and t
    def f(y,t):
        return .19113*y*np.sin(y)
    # Some t values that are appropriate to plot the solution
    t = np.linspace(0,20,1000)
    # Solve it!
    y = odeint(f, 1, t).flatten()
    # Plot it!!

    odeint(f, 1, t)[:8]

    array([[1. ],


    array([1. , 1.00322837, 1.00647386, 1.00973657, 1.01301659,
    1.01631402, 1.01962897, 1.02296157])

    y_interp = interp1d(t,y)




    t0 = brentq(lambda y: y_interp(y)-3, 0, 20)

    8.23309851814031 -This is our solution


    array(3.) -Checking


  • edited August 2020

    Based on my forum username "Badler" my personal IVP is:
    $$y'=0.21412517ysin(y), y(0)=1$$
    Where $$ r=0.21412517 $$
    First I'm going to load the libraries:

    # A graphics library
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    # Basic numerical tools
    import numpy as np
    # Scipy's numerical ODE solver
    from scipy.integrate import odeint
    # Convert data generated by odeint to a computable function
    from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
    # A numerical rootfinder
    from scipy.optimize import brentq

    Now I'll set up the IVP:

    # Redefine f as a function of both y and t
    def f(y,t): 
        return 0.21412517*y*np.sin(y)
    # Some t values that are appropriate to plot the solution
    t = np.linspace(0,10,100)
    # Solve it!
    y = odeint(f, 1, t).flatten()
    # Plot it!!

    Now I will interpolate and solve:

    # y_interp(10)
    # brentq?
    t0 = brentq(lambda y: y_interp(y)-3, 0, 10)
  • edited August 2020

    My login name is Jules so my numbers are 10, 21, 12, 5, and 19. Thus, my $r=0.102112519.$ So, my ODE is $$ y'=0.102112519ysin(y).$$

    # A graphics library
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    # Basic numerical tools
    import numpy as np
    # Scipy's numerical ODE solver
    from scipy.integrate import odeint
    # Convert data generated by odeint to a computable function
    from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
    # A numerical rootfinder
    from scipy.optimize import brentq

    Now, let's set up and solve the IVP:

    Redefine f as a function of both y and t
    def f(y,t):
        return 0.102112519*y*np.sin(y)
    Some t values that are appropriate to plot the solution
    t = np.linspace(0,20,100)
    # Solve it!
    y = odeint(f, 1, t).flatten()
    # Plot it!!

    Finally, I'll interpolate the solution and solve it:

    y_interp = interp1d(t,y)
    t0 = brentq(lambda y: y_interp(y)-3, 0, 20)
  • maxmax
    edited August 2020

    From "max" I obtained the IVP

    y' = 0.13124ysin(y), y(0)=1.

    First load the libraries:

    # A graphics library
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    # Basic numerical tools
    import numpy as np
    # Scipy's numerical ODE solver
    from scipy.integrate import odeint
    # Convert data generated by odeint to a computable function
    from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
    # A numerical rootfinder
    from scipy.optimize import brentq

    Then define the IVP and get a numeric solution:

    # Redefine f as a function of both y and t
    def f(y,t):
        return 0.13124*y*np.sin(y)
    # Some t values that are appropriate to plot the solution
    t = np.linspace(0,20,1000)
    # Solve it!
    y = odeint(f, 1, t).flatten()
    # Plot it!!

    Now we interpolate the solution and then find $t$ in $y(t)=3$:

    y_interp = interp1d(t,y)
    t0 = brentq(lambda y: y_interp(y)-3, 0, 20)

    This code produces the output


    So $y(t)=3$ at $t=11.99016421201848$

    This is further verified by running y_interp(t0), which outputs array(3.)

  • edited August 2020

    My IVP is
    $$y^1= 0.191181ysin(y), y(0) = 1. $$

    First I need to load the libraries:

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import numpy as np
    from scipy.integrate import odeint
    from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
    from scipy.optimize import brentq

    Now I'm going to set up and solve the IVP:

    def f(y,t):
        return 0.191181*(y)*np.sin(y)
    t = np.linspace(0,20,100)
    y = odeint(f, 1, t).flatten()

    My final output is found by the following code:

    y_interp = interp1d(t,y)
    t0 = brentq(lambda y: y_interp(y)-3,0,10)

    So our final output is 8.232968014338422

  • edited August 2020

    My IVP is:

    $$y' = 0.1651818914y\sin y; y(0) = 1$$

    Load libraries:

    # A graphics library
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    # Basic numerical tools
    import numpy as np
    # Scipy's numerical ODE solver
    from scipy.integrate import odeint
    # Tool to interpolate the solution
    from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
    # Tool to solve the interpolated solution for a specific value of t
    from scipy.optimize import brentq

    Set up and solve the IVP:

    # Redefine f as a function of both y and t
    def f(y,t):
        return 0.1651818914 * y * np.sin(y)
    t = np.linspace(0, 20, 100)
    y = odeint(f, 1, t).flatten()

    Interpolate the solution, solve, and visualize:

    y_interp = interp1d(t,y)
    t1 = brentq(lambda t: y_interp(t)-3,0,10)
    #Output: 9.527669205421008
    plt.plot([0, 20], [3, 3], 'k--')
    plt.plot(t1, 3, 'ro')

  • Load Library

    # A graphics library
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

    # Basic numerical tools
    import numpy as np

    # Scipy's numerical ODE solver
    from scipy.integrate import odeint

    # Convert data generated by odeint to a computable function
    from scipy.interpolate import interp1d

    # A numerical rootfinder
    from scipy.optimize import brentq

    Set up and solve the equation

    # Redefine f as a function of both y and t
    def f(y,t):
    return 0.23977514152120ynp.sin(y)

    # Some t values that are appropriate to plot the solution
    t = np.linspace(0,10,100)

    # Solve it!
    y = odeint(f, 1, t).flatten()

    # Plot it!!

    # Some t values that are appropriate to plot the solution
    t = np.linspace(0,10,100)

    # Solve it!
    y = odeint(f, 1, t).flatten()

    # Plot it!!

    Interpolate, solve and visualize

    y_interp = interp1d(t,y)
    t0 = brentq(lambda y: y_interp(y)-3, 0, 10)
    #output: 6.562862752442042

  • @Wiggenout You should indent anything that you want to appear as a code block four spaces. Have a look at this post and the references therein.

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