I ran a regression to determine if there is a relation between age and race time using the following code:
from scipy.stats import linregress
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv('')
df_men = df[df.Gender == 'M']
sam = df_men.sample(75, random_state=3)
linregress(sam.Age, sam['Net Time'])
I generated the following output:
LinregressResult(slope=0.35432206515177694, intercept=52.826891391060116, rvalue=0.2550867549750977, pvalue=0.02719625032021964, stderr=0.15719494672098736)
- To a 99% level of confidence, is there a genuine relationship between and Age and net time?
- What net time does the data predict for a 50 year old?