An archive the questions from Mark's Fall 2018 Complex Variables Course.

The logistic family


The logistic family is defined by f_{\lambda}(z) = \lambda z(1-z).

  1. Sketch several Julia sets from this family using our fun polynomial Julia set plotter. Maybe \lambda=2, 3, 3.2, and 1+0.5i would be decent starting values.

  2. Find a value of \lambda such that f_{\lambda} has a super attractive orbit of period 3.


So I have done part one:

\lambda = 2

\lambda = 3

\lambda = 3.2

\lambda = 1 + 0.5i

\lambda = i

I think \lambda = i has period four. After doing a composite of f(f(z)) = -iz^4 - 2z^3 + iz^2 + z^2 - z, then setting that equal to z and solving using by factoring out the original fixed points and solving the quadradic I found two more fixed points at

z = \dfrac{-(1-i) \pm \sqrt{4+2i}}{2}

then I used the following code to check and see if these had a period of 4, which is what I guessed they must be from the picture

def iteration_function(gamma, z): return gamma*z*(1-z)

gamma = 1j
z_0 = (-1+1j + (4-2j)**(1/2))/2
period_check = 10

for i in range(period_check):
    z_0 = iteration_function(gamma, z_0)   

and I got this result:


There might be some rounding error going on but it seems like the real part came back to almost the same value after 4 iterates. Still its not really close on the imaginary part.

I know to find a super attractive fixed point of orbit 3, we want to find F(z) = f(f(f(z))), then solve the system

F(z) = z
|F'(z)| = 0

but this is easier said than done, not sure if I am missing some trick, but it seems like you would want to find the period 2 orbits, then use them to factor down F(z).


So after some thought and talking with Mark, I think I got an answer. We need to check and see what the super attractive fixed point of the logistic family is

f(z) = \gamma z (1-z)
f'(z) = \gamma - 2\gamma z


f'(z) = 0, when z = \tfrac{1}{2}

So, what \gamma can we have that will give us 0.5 as a fixed point. f(1/2) = \gamma (1/2)(1-1/2) gives use \gamma = 2, so all super attractive orbits should have a factor of two.

Now I wrote some code that will help us find our \gamma

from sympy import *
c = Symbol('c')

def g(z): return c*z*(1-z)

def g_3(z): return g(g(g(z)))


this finds the F(z) = f^3(z) for the value of a super attractive fixed point of our original function,

then we just need to find the zeros,

from numpy import roots

root_list = roots([-0.00390625,0.03125,-0.0625,-0.0625,0.25,0,0,-1/2])


which produced the results

[ 3.83187406+0. j 2.55267525+0.95945597j 2.55267525-0.95945597j
2. +0. j -1.83187406+0. j -0.55267525+0.95945597j

so I just used the value \gamma = 2.55267525+0.95945597i and found there did seem to be some 3 orbits and when we look at the picture we can confirm there are three branches