(5 pts)
The purpose of this assignment is to provide a gentle introduction to using this system. The assignment is simple: Tell me your favorite function, in nice mathematical notation, and include a computer generated graph. For example:
My answer:
My favorite function is f(x)=e^(-x^2). I can plot its graph using Sage like so:
plot(e^(-x^2), (x,-3,3))
My answer is the stuff between the bold My Answer and the bold Comments. You should be able to format your answer in a similar fashion. Be sure to read how to do so in the About this site category. In particular, you’d want to read:
- How do I format my post nicely?
- How do I input typeset mathematics?
- How do I add graphics to my post?
- How do I input computer code?
I chose to graph this particular example with the Sage cell server because it’s pretty easy to use and has a nice, publicly available, web-based interface that I can link to. Another tool that’s even easier to use and produces awesome graphics is Desmos. There are many other graphing tools that you can use, though.