An archived instance of discourse for discussion in undergraduate Real Analysis I.

Upcoming Quiz and Exam


I know Mark has moved the quiz and test back a week, but I want to start now finding a larger study group. I have to start doing better on quizzes and tests or I will be taking this class again. If you are up for a study group say Wednesday before the quiz, and Friday and Monday before the exam. Reply to this plea for help.


I would definitely be up for a study group lets just hammer out a time and place.

violincounter the fires of Mount Doom


I think this is a really good idea. I'm definitely in.


That's a good idea!!!!


Absolutely, a little discussion never hurts


I have a good one: Later in the day, one of the side rooms at the math lab. Let's say..... 5:00 on Friday as a start? Or sooner if you guys want.


I won't be able to make it Friday, the Physics GRE is the next morning. But if we do any next week I'll be there.


I think if we can start next week, early evening that would be good. we can just take over a side room in the math lab right next to marks office and people can come and go when they have the time.


I am in the same boat as rlewis1 as far as Friday, but I would also would like to join in next week.


Has anyone set up a time for this week?


Is there still a study group meeting this week?


I will be In the Math Lab after 4 on Wednesday, for an hour or so. If anyone wants to join me we can be lost together.


I wish I could come and be lost with you. I feel as though there has been a lot of fairly new material in a short amount of time...


How many people think they could do Thursday early afternoon?


I can! I have class from 1:20-2:35 but that's it


I intend to be in the Math Lab most of thursday.


I don't have classes on Thursdays, I'm not sure I want to drive an hour to sit in the math lab.


I'll try to make it Thursday, what time is everyone meeting?


I can do Thursday. I get out of class at 4:30, I'll head up to the math lab after.