On the IFS quiz, you are asked to generate a spiral where $\theta=137.4^{\circ}$ and the scaling factor $r_1$ is the position of the first letter of your first name with a decimal point slapped in front and $r_2 = 1-r_1$. For example, my first name is Mark and "M" is the the $13^{\text{th}}$ letter of the alphabet so, for me, $r_1=0.13$ and $r_0 = 0.87$. Using the IFS Visualizer I was able to generate a spiral that looks something like so:
Spiral for final
My first name is James, and J is the 10th letter in the alphabet so my two variables are $.10$ and $.90$ when I plug them into the IFS Visualizer I get this picture
$t= 137.5$