Overleaf: Almost an FAQ
Update, I will now include on here questions you ask and answer.
1) When adding a picture file to the document, does any picture file work, or only a specific few?
Overleaf Does not like .gif files, it does like png or .jpg though. IF you have .gif, you can change it using paint or an equivalent program.
2) Is indenting paragraphs the same as other word documents, using Tab, or is there special syntax for that?
Unknown as of 9/27/16
3) Do all pictures added have to be centered?
Unknown as of 9/27/16
4) Are forward-slash, \, and back-slash, /, interchangeable in LaTeX?
5) Does anyone have any tips for uploading picture files I am still having trouble?
tmorse6d3 answered:
@dcutchen To upload a picture, you must do the following:
SUPER IMPORTANT: make sure you import the graphicx package by typing under "document class" and before "begin{document}":
Click on "Projects" on the top left of the document
Click on "Files...", which brings a drop down menu
In the drop-down menu, under "Upload from...", choose from where you would like to get the picture from (your computer, google drive, etc). When selected, it should pop up as a part of the directory on the left side of your document in the "Projects" tab
Include it in your source code tab by using the following syntax in between your "begin{document}" and "end{document}" (minus the parentheses):
\includegraphics[width=(YourSizeHere)px]{your filename here}
More tips I picked up on:
\textit is italicized font.
\ref{fig:name of picture} will automatically fill in the figure number of a picture if you have a lot of photos.