An archived instance of discourse for discussion in undergraduate Complex Variables.

Deriving an inverse Mobius function


The book claims that the inverse of a Mobius function is another Mobius function of the form $f^{-1}(z)=\frac{dz-b}{-cz+a}$. I am having trouble with combining the individual inverse functions to find this form.
So starting with breaking down a Mobius function to its individual actions:
Thus the individual functions and their inverses are:
&f(z_1)= z+\frac{d}{c} \quad \quad f^{-1}(z_1)= z-\frac{d}{c} \\
&f(z_2)=\frac{1}{z} \quad \quad f^{-1}(z_2)=\frac{1}{z}\\
&f(z_3)= z*\frac{bc-ad}{c^2} \quad \quad f^{-1}(z_3)= z*\frac{c^2}{bc-ad}\\
&f(z_4)=z+\frac{a}{c} \quad \quad f^{-1}(z_4)=z-\frac{a}{c}\end{aligned}$$

Which I combined into the form:

At this point I hit a wall and gave up after trying a bunch of different algebraic techniques. I can't figure out how to simplify to the inverse given by the book. Anyone have any ideas? It might just be simple algebra but it has me confused.


I am a little confused why you are breaking the function down into its separate pieces. If we solve a mobius transformation for $z$, we get
That is how I solved the problem. I am not sure if there is another method.


@DPR The decomposition that you are using is great to show that any Mobius transformation is a composition of a few simple operations. While it's great for that purpose, I agree with @cdunn that the simpler algebraic definition of a Mobius transformation is more natural for what you want to accomplish. An alternative to solving the equation $w=(az+b)/(cz+d)$ is to simply plug the proposed inverse into the the original function:

\frac{a\frac{dz-b}{-cz+a}+b}{c\frac{dz-b}{-cz+a}+d} &=
\frac{(adz-ab-bcz+ab)/(-cz+a)}{(cdz-bc-cdz+ad)/(-cz+a)} \\
&= \frac{(ad-bc)z}{ad-bc}= z.


Let $z_0\in\mathbb{C}$. Define $f(z_0)=\frac{az_0+b}{cz_0+d}=z_1$. Note this function receives $z_0$ and returns $z_1$. Thus, the inverse function $f^{-1}$ should receive $z_1$ and return $z_0$. Solving $f(z_0)=z_1$ for $z_0$ we find

$$\begin{align}&\frac{az_0+b}{cz_0+d}=z_1\\ \implies&az_0+b=z_1(cz_0+d)\\ \implies&(a-z_1c)z_0=z_1d-b\\ \implies&z_0=\frac{z_1d-b}{a-z_1c}=f^{-1}(z_1)\end{align}$$

which is precisely the inverse function we have been looking for!