An archived instance of discourse for discussion in undergraduate Real Analysis I.

Homework 2 Problem 2


I have been struggling with problem number 2 from Homework 2 and was hoping for some hints or suggestions about how to approach this problem....I am stumped.

The problem states:

Suppose that $(x_n)$ and $(y_n) $ are sequences with $x_n \rightarrow L$ and $\left|x_n - y_n\right| < \frac{1}{n} $ for all $n$. Show that $y_n \rightarrow L$.

I have toyed around with adding and subtracting L and then using the triangle inequality to say:

$$\left|x_n - y_n\right| =\left|x_n-L+L- y_n\right| \leq \left|x_n-L\right|+\left|L-y_n\right| = \left|x_n - L\right| + \left|y_n - L\right|$$
Since I know that $x_n \rightarrow L$, then $\left|x_n -L\right| < \epsilon.$ But how can I use any of this to show $$\left|y_n - L\right| < \epsilon?$$

Any tips or hints or pointers in the right direction?


Try toying around with adding and subtracting $x_n$ instead, but from $|y_n - L|$, and choose an $N$ that ends up satisfying $\dfrac{1}{N} < \dfrac{\epsilon}{2}$.


Here's what I told a few folks in the office today about the "thought process". There are generally two kinds of things you should always write down:

  1. Things you can control, and
  2. things you want to control.

By "control", I mean that you can control its size. In this case, the two things that you can control are
(because $x_n\rightarrow L$) and
$$|x_n - y_n|$$
(since this is bounded by $1/n$ by assumption).
As often happens in limit proofs, there is exactly one thing that you want to control, namely
Generally, you should start with the thing you want to control and try to write it in terms of the things that you have control of. Thus, rather than starting with $|x_n-y_n|$ (as lots of people have), you should start with $|y_n-L|$. Let's see what happens if we add and subtract an $x_n$:
|y_n-L| &= |y_n - x_n + x_n - L| \\
&\leq |y_n-x_n| + |x_n-L|.
Since we have control over those last two terms, we can make them as small as we like - smaller, than oh let's say, $\varepsilon/2$.


This "thought process" for limit proofs helps. I think I have gotten too used to NOT starting with what I want to "show" that I am shying away from starting with what I want to "control", if that makes sense. Thanks...


Now that the homework's turned in I figured I'd put this out for everyone's opinion. This is my submission for number two. I think the sub-claim bit was overkill but here it is!

Let $\epsilon >0$ and choose $N \in \mathbb{N}$ such that $N> \frac{1}{\epsilon}$. Recall that $| x_{n} - y_{n} | < \frac{1}{n} $. It follows that $y_{n}$ converges since clearly this inequality would not hold for all $n$ if $y_{n}$ diverged.

Sub-Claim: $| | x_{n}-y_{n} |-0| =| (x_{n}-y_{n})-0|$


$$| |x_{n}-y_{n}|-0|= | |x_{n}-y_{n}||$$


Now, since $ | x_{n}-y_{n} | < \frac{1}{n}$, we can conclude from our sub-proof that,

$$|(x_{n}-y_{n})-0| < \frac{1}{n} < \epsilon$$

for all $n > N$. Therefore, the limit of $(x_{n} - y_{n})$ is zero. From theorem 2.3.3 we know,

$$\text{lim}(x_{n}-y_{n})=\text{lim}(x_{n}) - \text{lim}(y_{n})$$

It follows that


$$\text{lim}(y_{n}) = L.$$