An archived instance of discourse for discussion in undergraduate Real Analysis I.

A place for sharing things



Other peoples things

@sfrye Techniques for handling open and closed sets

@Cromer Theorem of the Day generator

@jmacdona This day in math at

@qkhan Discourse user stats

@TheBearMinimum Terrence Howard's theory for why 1*1=2

This thing

Helpful things

Notes on Introductory Point-set Topology (pastebin for latex)

MathJax tutorial and quick reference

UNCA Spring 2016 Math Schedule

Detexify: draw a symbol and find its LaTeX representation

Other things

Projective Space

Lists of mathematics topics (wikipedia)

Foundations of mathematics (wikipedia)

Open set (wikipedia)

John Baez's blog (mathematical physicist)

Physics, Topology, Logic, and Computation: A Rosetta Stone (arxiv) (in tents)

"Do not worry about your difficulties in Mathematics. I can assure you mine are still greater."

Albert Einstein


So if you needed a good laugh here is a link to an article on Terrence Howard's theory for why $1*1=2$.


I know people are curious sometimes about how much time they've spent reading and stuff and turns out you can actually find out sort of! Check it! It also shows everyone elses stats but whatever. At least it gives you an idea of how far along you are and what else you need to do to get to the next level!


OMG Qurat you are so awesome! This is so helpful! grinning Thank You!


This day in math news

348 years ago today Newton became a fellow at Trinity College, London. Seems appropriate considering he's a founder of calculus.


Ever read a book on a proof-based math subject with some truly awfully explained theorems (our textbook is not a particularly good example of this; Abbott did pretty well) that made you cringe? Want to recreate the experience for fun? Well, Theorem of the Day generator at has you covered!

In all seriousness, some of them can be pretty funny.


Great find Cromer... Thanks for sharing!!!


So, in searching for examples to work similar to homework 4, I found this handy little list of techniques for open and closed sets:

To prove that a set is not open, one can use one of the following:
Find one of its point which is not an interior point.
Prove that its complement is not closed.

To prove that a set is closed, one can use one of the following:
Prove that its complement is open.
Prove that it can be written as the union of a finite family of closed sets or as the intersection of a family of closed sets.
Prove that it is equal to its closure.

To prove that a set is not closed, one can use one of the following:
Prove that its complement is not open.
Prove that it is not equal to its closure.

This may not help proving that the reals and empty set are the ONLY "clopen" sets but it will help us prove that R and $\emptyset$ are both open and closed.


@sfrye It's pretty easy to see that in any Topological Space the $\emptyset$ is both closed and open. Since Our Toplogical Space is $\mathbb{R}$ in this case the compliment of the empty set is $\mathbb{R}$ itself. Since $\emptyset$ is closed, $\mathbb{R}$ is open; and since $\emptyset$ is open we see that $\mathbb{R}$ is closed. So, $\mathbb{R}$ is both open and closed.


Thanks, Gaither! I think this will be helpful, and not just for the homework problem.


Qurat is awesome!!!!!!!!


I really think we should stop focusing so much on the analysis and focus more on the REAL part of class. For instance:
I really enjoy the taste of old garbage.
How's that for REAL.
Analyze that!

I will share a piece of advice - don't trust anyone who's name starts with G and ends with aither with your unlocked computer.


I concur! That is an excellent motto to live by.


You're kinda awesome.

But I wouldn't say that outside of the internet.


Thanks to this post I find it necessary to share the Hitler Learning Topology video. Thanks, rlewis.


I can't take all the credit. @Spiff showed me this.


Hey Cromer, want to grab some garbage tomorrow after class? I would like to discuss some of the in class problems over some fresh steaming rotten banana peels on Styrofoam. I also know a great place to get gnocchi that's straight out of Italy('s garbage).


Thanks to whomever typed this onto my account while I was away from my computer, I needed another reply. I just wished that it had been in another topic.


And after the test...

Special thanks to @violincounter and @jmincey for the help uploading smile